Friday, October 05, 2018

Vacillating weasels are the new models of virtue for the senate

The vote on Kavanaugh is apparently near.  It looks as if it will go Saturday – Sunday at the latest.  So Kavanaugh has been twisting the wind since Monday July 9th, the night that the Griffin and Lex took in a Tincaps game at Parkview Field.  We watched the home team put on woeful display of hitting and fielding. 

It’ll be 90 days before Kavanaugh gets his vote. Still there are 4 senators – the usual suspects - who say they still don’t know how they will vote on the Judge.  YGBSM.  Retire.  Go home.  You’re too stupid or narcissistic to hold a regular job. Clearly the only these azzbags are qualified to do is spend the rest of their lives taking selfies of themselves. I caught that redundancy, but to my untrained ear it sounds better.

These four sound like the “moderate” on Election Day who, after a 2 year presidential campaign, insist that they still haven’t made up their mind.  GFY.  You're an idiot.  The media seek these vacillating weasels out as models of “conscientiousness”.

Manchin is the biggest of all these weasels.  His vote doesn’t depend on his conscience.  It depends on if the Republicans reach can reach 50 votes inside their own caucus.  If they can, Joe’s a yes.  If they can’t, Joe’s a no.

I just have to shake my head at the other three vacillating azzweasels. Here’s a guy who has been investigated by the FBI more thoroughly than Al Capone and Whitey Bulger combined.  Still they just aren’t quite sure and claim to need more information.  Tough sh*t.  You’ve got what you you’ve got.  Grow a spine and vote.

For the love of heaven stop with the virtue signaling BS that you are so concerned, so conscientious, far more than any of the other mob led senators who have prematurely made up their minds.  No.  You’re not.  You’re attention seeking whores.

There will be a cloture vote today.  It’ll pass. Then there will be a 30 hour circus where the attention whores will be stalked by an army of media for signs of which way they intend to vote.  They will posture for the crowd feigning how torn they are in their search for a just outcome. 

BS. If they can’t make up their minds by now, they need to get a job with absolute certainty like separating red and green M&Ms for Christmas packs.  No wait.  Here’s Murkowski working that job.  “I don’t know?  Is that one red? It looks a bit pinkish to me. Shut down the line for an hour. Get me some color code cards that I can compare this one to and let me take a day or so to make up my mind.  I just can be sure on this one.”

If they vote no, I’m with Lindsey Graham.  Re-nominate Kavanaugh immediately and run on it in the mid-terms. If that happens Manchin’s done, Heitkamp’s done, Tester’s done, Donnelly’s done, Nelson’s done.

Two things.  One, we know Flake the flake’s word on how he will vote means nothing.  Two, a wild card:  Manchin votes to confirm and uses his senate floor speech to announce he’s switching parties.

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