Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday morning round up

Another shooting
After the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, PDJT said that an armed guard might have changed the situation.  That triggered Pittsburgh mayor Bill Peduto to opine, “I don’t think that the answer to this problem is solved by having our synagogues, mosques and churches filled with armed guards or our schools filled with armed guards.” 
Both are right.  Are armed guards “the answer” to preventing these kind of shootings?  I’ll bet not.  Crazies are gonna do crazy.  There’s probably very little that can stop it in total. 
That said, an armed guard might have changed the situation.  It might have changed the calculation for the shooter to even show up in the first place. Once engaged, shooters, savvy ones anyway, will direct their fire at the guard engaging them allowing innocent’s time to fight, take flight or cover. 
I look at the armed guard scenario in public places like a bowl of chicken soup when suffering from a cold.  It can’t hurt, and it just might help. The Liberal answer is, as always, to do nothing except to make sure victims are defenseless as possible. 

Megyn Kelly – bye, bye
After being sheeshcanned from NBC, the downfall of Megyn Kelly, which began during the first Fox News Channel Republican Presidential Candidates’ debate, is now nearly complete.  Kelly apologized profusely after some ham handed remark about it being ok for trick or treaters to wear blackface. 
Military doctrine has a counter intuitive tactic for how to handle an ambush.  The book says, rather than taking cover in the beaten zone and being picked to pieces over time, the trapped unit should attack into the ambush.  Think of Tombstone – the movie not the pizza.  When Wyatt Earp’s boys are trapped in a crossfire, Wyatt (Kurt Russell) stands up and attacks across the creek straight into the ambush saving the day. 
After her remarks the PC crowd had Kelly in an ambush.  She should have attacked the babies who were upset with her remarks:  “Go to hell.  Who the F__k are you to tell people what they can and cannot wear on Halloween? You PC fascist bastards are pathetic.”  The result might have been exactly the same, but she would have gotten out with some modicum of self-respect. 
I’m wondering how I might react to a black kid dressing up in preppy clothing with whiteface and a sign around his neck that reads “White Privilege”?  Instead of throwing some treats into his bag, I’d reach into it and redistribute his bounty among the other kids.  Then I'd be arrested and thrown in jail.     

Idiot offers idiotic take on PDJT
The idiot NY governor, Andy Cuomo, who once said that “America was never that great”, now says PDJT’s language is “wholly inappropriate for a president”.  GFY Andy.  When they’re whining like that, you know you’re over the target.
Nice political ad
I watched this John James ad and immediately sent him $25.  I’d like to see PDJT go into Detroit for this guy.  This would be a good follow up to the TPUSA conference of young black leaders.
Bill Belichick has a counter intuitive strategy for attacking opponents’ defenses – not unlike the strategy for countering an ambush – attack the supposed strength. PDJT should walk right into the lion’s den where the Dopes think they are strongest and go after votes there.  At a minimum, it’ll scare the sh*t out of the Dopes.

Catholic Bishops prefer acting on easily solved problems like climate change rather than in-house sex abuse
Catholic bishops are calling for “urgent action against climate change”.  YGBSM. This like hiring a guy to cut your grass who shows up and spends the day complaining about the flaking paint on your second story shutters.  WTF?  Do your F-ing job. I took the case to my pastor. 

Subject:  The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

Dear Father Dan,

I know you’re a busy guy, but this is infuriating.
I only have two problems with the attached news article:  One, there’s a huge sex abuse scandal rocking the Catholic Church.  Two, climate change. 

The bishops could chose to tackle the sex abuse scandal with full transparency.  It is 100% within their purview to do so, or they could chose to virtue signal on climate change which there’s little to nothing they can do anything about, but might serve to change the subject from their own scandal.

Not to put too fine a point on it, it’s comical at this place in time to think that the bishops believe that they have the moral authority to speak out about anything – other than the Gospel - until they get their own house in order.  Something about removing the log from your own eye.

Seems to me the Pope, the bishops and the Catholic Church would be better served if they took the subject line to heart and focus on their own mission and scandals before hectoring the faithful about things outside those lanes.

RE the non-bomb bomber
It appears that the perp is a dyed in the wool Trump supporter.  So that would mean Lex's snarky take that it was a Dope was incorrect.  I'm not ready to furl the false flag yet.  This whole thing appears to be too neat. 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

I wonder how long nutball shooter Bowers would have been upright had he attacked a synagogue in Isreal. Maybe 5 seconds. Maybe.