Thursday, August 08, 2019

As always, Rat establishment Republicans will pander to the Left

Hello Mr. and Mrs. America.  Alas, we’re screwed.  Rat establishment Republicans are trying to find the sweet spot of pandering to leftist on “common sense gun safety” and white supremacist.  My own Republican Rep Jim Banks tried to thread the needle with line of BS published in the screwball Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette:  “I deployed to Afghanistan as a response to radical Islamic terrorism,” Banks wrote. “We now face a different enemy that has also emerged from the shadows but demands the same focus and determination to root out and destroy. #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism should be named, targeted and defeated.” 
Never one to tire of tilting at windmills, Lex penned this open letter to Banks. 
Dear Jim, 
I read your comments on “white supremacists” in the Aug 6, 2019 edition of the Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette.  White supremacists groups, who are they?  Where are they?  Publish the information so we can all take action. 
Aside from pointing out prison gangs, many members of whom are forced to join for survival, I don’t think you can answer the questions. 
I’m 63.  I’ve been back and forth across the US east and west and north and south, I’ve never met anyone who identifies as a white supremacist.  Certainly, I’ve met racists.  Sadly, most of them were black. 
So exactly how big is this “white supremacy” problem we supposedly have where no one can identify the groups or where they exist in Indiana but are none-the-less said to be rampant? 
The FBI Director - Christopher Wray - says the white supremacists are a “persistent” and “pervasive” problem in America.  Did anyone ask Wray the two questions I ask you? Seems to me that if the problem is as big as Wray and the Democrat Party claim, these questions could be easily answered. 
Can the FBI even be trusted to be honest brokers on this issue?  We know the FBI top brass is riddled with dishonest, unscrupulous, Democrat Party supporting toadies.  The Democrat party wants to paint everyone who challenges them or their policies as a white supremacists for purely political reasons.  The charge bears no truth in reality. 
Further, the FBI has been proven to be an organization perfectly happy to use its investigative powers to manufacture “proof”, “charges” and carry the Democrats’ water against anyone not firmly in the Democrat camp.  Why should anyone believe a word of what the FBI says about anything? Like everything it touches, the Democrat Party has destroyed this once proud organization's reputation. 
Until Director Wray is fired and U.S. Marshalls raid the Hoover building securing classified files while marching everyone currently employed there out of the building, anything coming from the FBI should carry all the weight of information presented by a 3rd rate jailhouse snitch trying to get a lighter sentence or a pack of cigarettes. 
Watch for Democrat false flag operations in the future.  We know that the Democrat Party paid supporters to infiltrate Trump rallies to disrupt those rallies and spawn violence – they have admitted doing so.  They will no doubt be paying operatives to show up at your rallies and town halls sporting signs with racist slogans and talking like a raging racist of the 1960s Democrat Party.  No doubt these operatives are already phoning, e-mailing, tweeting and mailing in threats.  
I think you’ve walked into the trap set for you by Democrats who insist that you and all of your supporters are white supremacists.  If you think that pandering to Democrats is going to save you and us from charges of racism, white nationalism, white supremacy – you don’t know Democrats and their lackeys in the MSM. Nothing you say or do will stop them calling you and your supporters racist white supremacists. 
Sadly, slack jawed, weak kneed Republican politicians – as if there is any other kind – think they can play both sides on these gun control and white supremacists issues.  You can’t.  Democrats will NEVER give you the benefit of the doubt.  The more you try to placate them the more likely people like me will not vote for you in the future.  
As an alternative strategy to your pandering and begging for a break like a schoolgirl begs the quarterback not to break up with her until after the prom, grow a set.  When race issues come up, point out who the real racists were and are.  Democrats are the party of slavery, founded the KKK, resisted Reconstruction, supported Jim Crow, continue to this day to support racist eugenicist Margret Sanger’s plan to destroy black babies, turned the fire hoses on Civil Rights marchers and are at this very minute the party of anti-white male, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, socialist/commie loving raging racists of the highest order. 

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