Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Don't ban the gun, ban lunatics from owning guns

When asked his opinion about citizens owning sporting rifles, Dayton Police Chief Richard S. Biehl said it was “problematic.”  I disagree.  I disagree because I do not believe there is anything “problematic” about me or any other law abiding responsible citizen owning such a rifle. 

And therein lies the problem with gun control or gun “safety” or whatever Libs are calling it these days.  It is always pointed at restricting the rights of law abiding citizens*.

*NOTE: By the way, we've already tried an "assault weapons" ban.  Remember?  It failed miserably.   

On 9-11 when 19 “peace loving” Muslim terrorists killed nearly 3,000 Americans using passenger airliners, no one seriously considered banning such aircraft*.  Instead the effort was directed at keeping lunatics from boarding such aircraft.  So why is it when a crazy uses a sporting rifle to kill Americans the kneejerk reaction of Libs is to ban the rifle instead of keeping such instruments out of the hands of lunatics?

*NOTE: Nor do look to ban trucks, knives, accelerates, acids or any other weapon of choice of terrorist Muslims to inflict chaos on the public. 

How is it possible to keep such guns out of the hands of lunatics?  Simple, universal background checks (UBC)*.  The problem with the UBC is that Demo-Dopes insist on using the system as a means of registration and possible future confiscation by a socialist government - which most Demo-Dopes also advocate.

*NOTE: The UBC is only as good as the info that put into the system.  The VA Tech shooter was certifiably crazy as a loon, but because of “medical privacy” I suppose, that information was never entered into the NCIS system. The TX church shooter was a wife beater and discharged from the Air Force with a bad conduct discharge facts that the AF never entered into the NCIS system.  SO as the old saying goes, garbage in, garbage out.

One remedy is a free NICS background check for all privately transferred guns or closing gunshow loophole.  The check can be completed by a licensed firearms dealer who is reimbursed by the government for the effort and time or by allowing private citizens access to the NICS system.  The record of any UBC can be kept in most cases no more than 24 hours with all records of a legal transfer being destroyed in no later than 90 days*.

*NOTE:  While NICS is forbidden by to keep these records for more than 24 hour/90 days, FFL dealers, who initiate the bulk of UBC, are required to keep the form that supports the NICS UBC for 20 years.  There’s your gun registration Mr. & Mrs. America.  Those FFL forms should have a life expectancy no longer than the NCIS records.

Will Demo-Dopes support such legislation?  No.  Why?  They will not give PDJT a win on anything prior to the 2020 election, and let’s face it, they are perfectly happy with certain amount of gun violence and tragedy for political purposes as demonstrated by their predictable and ghoulish behavior after every single gun tragedy.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

To Lex's point. The CDC reports yearly gun deaths as 32,000.
Accidental as 1000, around 3 percent
Non-Gang Related as 2000 , 6 percent
Gang Related as 9000, 34 percent
Suicides as 20,000, 57 percent

And long guns, rifles? They are used in 300 of the yearly homicides.

The first rule to solving a problem is understanding the problem. Without emotion or preconceived notions. Without understanding the problems it is likely any efforts to solve them will have no affect or have negative affects.

The above facts seem to always be ignored in media and with the politicians.