Friday, August 30, 2019

IG calls Jimmy the shape shifter Comey a lying, leaking, POS ; Comey claims victory

Jimmy the shape shifter Comey was absolutely leveled by the IG report.  Still being ever the supreme d-bag that he is, the shifter is demanding an apology.  Okay, Jimmy sorry you are such a sanctimonious, lying, leaking, anti-American 6’9” stack of walking, talking human sh*t.  That should about cover the waterfront.

Still after the IG laid out 70+ pages of demonstrating what a complete POS the shifter is, how he broke the rules and was only saved from the charge of releasing “classified” information because, get this, Pete Strozk, Lisa Page and a couple of other deep state azzbags were in charge of the classification process – the shifter escaped indictment.

That makes what, nearly 1 indictment behind the silent coup.  Hannity ran the same show last night for, what, the 3,000 time – tic toc, indictments are coming, tic toc.  Katherine Heritage hit the nail on the head when she reported that some have labeled the Department of Justice as the Department of Just for US.

I’m willing to wait for now.  We’ll see after IG FISA abuse investigation and the Durham report are released.  If the whole gang isn’t rounded up and jailed after that, we’ll know for certain there is a two-tiered justice system in America.  One for well-healed Demo-Dopes and one for the rest of us bitter clingers.

I think the DOJ refusal to indict Comey would give PDJT top cover to pardon Manafort, Flynn, Simon, Page, Popadopolis et. al. Yes even Cohen.  The deep state screwed him as well. 

Comey destroyed the reputation of the FBI and visited 2 1/2 years of hoax on the American people. Comey should have his azz beaten to pulp, tarred and feathered and then be dumped in the Potomac. If he floats he's a witch.            

Today’s JG rant
Re: Leigh Morris’s letter “’Middle Way’ avoids gutter” of Aug 29, 2019
Since Morris seems to be able to channel Ike, next time she gets in touch with him ask him the following:

General, where would you find a “middle way” with a party that would send its thug army of racist fascists into the streets of Washington, D.C. to riot and burn the town on your Inauguration Day?

Where’s the “middle way” with party that accused you of collusion with America’s enemies and being a traitor to your country?

What “middle ground” could you find with a party that daily calls you and your supporters racists, white supremacists, white nationalists and compares you all to Hitler?

Would you be able to find a “middle way” with a party that routinely stages your mock assassination and attacks your family relentlessly including your adolescent son?

Ike, where exactly is the “middle way” with a party whose position on abortion has shifted from the big lie of “safe, legal and rare” to its dream of anytime anywhere up to 1,2,3 days after a live birth – i.e. MURDER – where’s the “middle way” with that Mengele like position?

Where is the “middle way” with a party that advocates for open borders to allow the free flow of drug smugglers, human trafficers, terrorists, floods of unskilled, uneducated and often criminal aliens into the country and then asks American taxpayers to foot the bill for their healthcare, education, housing etc.? 

Where’s the “middle way” with a party that calls anyone demanding an orderly process of legal immigration racists and xenophobes?

General, could you find a “middle way” with a party whose face is a collection of racist, anti-Semitic, pro-Communists, and is beholding to a clown army faux race baiting Revs?

Get answers to those questions and then come back and tell us what the “middle way” is with a bunch of left-wing loons intent on destroying the country.  Fact is that left is and has been for some time in the gutter.  I’m old enough to remember when the left compared George W. Bush to Hitler.

Thursday, August 29, 2019 1:00 am
'Middle Way' avoids gutter
Eisenhower's philosophy relevant today
Leigh Morris
Leigh Morris is the former mayor of La Porte and former chairman of the La Porte County Republican Party.
The other day, I was driving down a road that had been recently repaved but had not yet had striping to designate traffic lanes. It occurred to me that the signs cautioning “No center line” could well apply to voters as well. 
As a political centrist, I'm beginning to think of myself as a part of an endangered species. It seems to me that the political center – the middle of the political road – has been shrinking rapidly, allowing the far left and the far right to increasingly dominate the political scene.
Nowhere is that more evident than in Congress, where there's been such deterioration in the capacity to carry out its important role in dealing with scores of major issues.
No Labels, a group that advocates rising above partisanship, has evaluated our current political climate this way:
“The far right and far left are holding America hostage – becoming ever more strident, uncompromising and making governance impossible. They are small in number but drive the national agenda because they are organized, because they vote, contribute to and volunteer for campaigns. In short, they show up while the vast political center has remained on the sidelines.”
Former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman believes one of the reasons extremists are dominating so much of the political process is that the major political parties have become more ideological and fewer and fewer people are voting.
She observed that political parties “used to be like umbrellas, where you had a central handle which was the shared core beliefs, and then you had all the spokes that held up the canopy, and those were different ways of interpreting those beliefs. But you could still have that central core.”
I'm a student of history, and I've been looking increasingly at the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower. Ike was a centrist. He called his political philosophy “The Middle Way.”
He appealed to the majority of Americans by being neither a reactionary nor a socialist; neither an appeaser nor a warmonger.
Ike disliked extremists and demagogues, believing the far left and right were wrong on all political and moral issues.
He referred to the political spectrum as a bowling alley with the extremes as the “gutters” and said he was on the right track when getting attacked by “both sides.”
In his book, “The White House Years,” author Jim Newton noted that Ike “was a gentleman, not a bomb thrower. He did not publicly insult opponents by name. He also avoided criticizing the intelligence and motives of other politicians, believing this was impolite and unforgivable.”
Times have clearly changed since the 1950s when Ike's Middle Way enabled the political parties and three branches of our federal government to function productively.
However, I think Ike's basic principles are still valid. Revisiting them could lead us away from the gridlock that comes from the prevalent “my way or the highway” approach to governing.
I hope and pray we can find a way to regain some of the many advantages of Ike's Middle Way.

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