Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Just some stuff

The drumbeat continues in the conservative news feeds:  Heads will soon roll as a result of the Deep State’s attempted coup.  Hannity has had essentially the same show on every night for two years telling us the same thing. Number of heads to roll to date: 0;  Number of heads to roll in the future: ? between 0 and 100. I’ll believe it when I see it.  Remember they had Shrillda the Hutt dead to rights, but the b*tch walks free today. 

The stock market goes up and down naturally.  When the market fluctuates more than a couple of points, analysts search to attribute the change to some outside force.  “Stacks are down 25 today on the news that the All-American Buggy Whip Company is finally closing its doors after 156 years.”  I don’t do stock deals bt all seems like so much BS to me.  It drops 800 points on a computer triggered sell off, and then takes back 300 points over several days when the humans actually look at stock value.  It’s crazy. To even out the up and downs feds ought to consider turning off algorithms that buy and sell stocks in a split second when certain conditions occur.

China is another thing I know squat about except to say that they are Commie bastards up to no good.  Once PDJT gets the upper hand, which he appears to gaining, he ought to stomp the ChiCom bastards into dust.

Brexit?  Why does the EU get a say in the Brit getting out of the EU?  When you go to a party, do you have to get the host’s permission to go home?  When you join the Knights of Columbus do they tell you that you have to continue to pay dues until they tire of your presence?  The only organizations that you cannot leave on your own terms are the mob and a timeshare.  B. Johnson ought to tell the EU make a deal we like, or we’ll hitch our wagon the Trump train and bury you.  

That’s it for today kids. Not my best effort, but I have infusion #14 today so life is already beginning to suck and posting may be even lighter for the next few days.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Imagine the FBI knocks on your door. We have a few questions about your neighbor. Do you 1) trust them and your inclination to do a citizens duty, or 2) assume you are a targeted fall guy in some dark govt BS?
Well...the FBI, DOJ, CIA were corrupted. Covered it up. If Barr and others do not indict and prosecute the SOBs, and begin rebuilding their credibility, the feds should not knock on my door.