Friday, August 23, 2019

Vertically challenged word montage for the early hours of the 6th day of the week - or short post for Friday morning

Don’t really have anything this morning.  Happy to that PDJT has gotten the Dopes to admit that half-wits Omar and her baboon’s azz ugly buddy Tlaib are in fact the new racist anti-Semitic face of the Demo-Dope Party.  I do not know how the Dopes can be this dumb.  Well I do know.  The Dopes are trying to appeal to pure stupidity.  That’s their base.  So the dumber the better. Do they really want raging racists anti-Semites as the face of the Dope Party?  Sure they're good with that.  Stupid people will dig it. 
In San Fran a felon is now to be relabeled “justice involved person.”  People with common sense are laughing out loud.  It’s like calling the “little woman” a “domestic engineer.” If everyone knows that the euphemism is double speak for housewife, what difference does it make?  If everyone knows that “justice involved person” is doublespeak for a F-ing felon – what difference does it make?  A rose by any other name... right?
This might actually work in favor of common sense.  When a guy comes into a bank looking for a job as teller and he informs the HR rep, “Why yes I’m a justice involved person” it tells the HR rep two things: 1) He’s a F-ing felon.  2) He’s an idiot d-bag felon for thinking that a woke approved euphemism for being a criminal felon was somehow going to somehow redound to his favor.  It’s not as if he’s using a foreign language like Klingon that no one understands.  What the heck is the HR rep going to say, “Well thank goodness you’re only a ‘justice involved person’ and not a F-ing felon, because if you were a F-ing felon you’d really be up sh*ts creek, but since you’re merely a ‘justice involved person’, well then, welcome aboard.  Here’s the combination to the safe”?  I don’t think so, Tim. 
When you introduce the wife as your “domestic engineer”, does anyone say, “Wow!  An engineer!  Where did you get your degree, Purdue, MIT, Vanderbilt?”  It’s nothing more than a stupid transparent euphemism.  The thing is that most people laugh at the euphemism “domestic engineer.” My guess is that anyone with a brain is getting a belly laugh at “justice involved person” as well. 
This move demonstrates just how F’ed up the Dopes are.  San Fran can’t/won’t do anything about bums crapping in the streets, drug needles littering public spaces, a housing crisis and the biggest wealth divide the world has seen since Looy XVI and Marie got their gourds lopped off in France, but they think they can police the language. 
It’s just plain bovine excrement for mentally challenged people.  Or, It just plain bullsh*t for stupid people. 

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