Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Can PDJT win if we slip into recession?

The short answer is yes – in a landslide.  The real question is, “Can any of the current Democrat candidates win, even if PDJT is filmed shooting someone on 5th Avenue?” 
I’ve been riding the Trump tiger since late 2015 so I’m probably not the one to comment on this, but here’s my take: 
Democrats lead in the polls because none of them are the nominee.  Democrats lead in the polls because PDJT has not yet directed his political fire at single candidate. 
How can any of the frontrunners survive a months long political campaign against PDJT when they have all said such outrageous things, free healthcare for everyone - in the world, reparations, free college education, paying off ALL college loan debt, free everything for everyone and weirdly getting the Dopes to back a bunch of wildly anti-Semitic azzbags who PDJT has successfully painted as the new face of the Demo-Dope Party, etc. 
Then there are the candidates themselves.  To my shock and surprise Slow Joe Biden remains the frontrunner.  Democrats are clinging to this POS because of name recognition and the thought he’s the “most electable” candidate in the field.   Here’s the truth about Biden.  He dumb as a hoe handle.  He’s a delusional pathological liar. He’s lazy.  He’s a creepy groping idiot.  He’s a flimflam man who got his no talent cocaine snorting worthless creepy off spring Hunter billions in contracts in China and Ukraine.  So sure if Americans suddenly begin to value stupidity, lying, sloth, groping and graph over peace and prosperity, Biden is a shoe in. 
Then there’s crazy Bernie.  Sure he’s an avowed raging socialist with a Santa Claus platform of free everything for everyone, but here’s the death blow for ol’ Bernie, he actually thinks the Boston bomber ought to able to vote in elections.  That sound bite will only play about 9,000,0000,000 times between Bernie cinches the nomination and the election.  It could turn Massachusetts red. 
Fauxahontas Warren is surging in the polls.  She is trying to out Bernie, Bernie with giveaways.  She has produced 10,000 policy positions on every topic under the sun.  They all end the same way – the fat cats will be taxed into oblivion to pay for the government giveaway.  She will be leveled by PDJT if she gets the nomination.  Here’s the deal on Heap Big Chief Ugly Azz.  Chief SFB bemoans the cost of a college education yet this lying *itch and her worthless POS husband have amassed a fortune of millions upon millions of dollars largely gained by ripping off students at Harvard.  Chief Wrinkled Azz made big wampum - about $430,000 a year for reportedly teaching one class and for being the first “Native American” to grace Harvard’s law faculty except she wasn’t.  So this sneaky lying weasel who exploited her “white privilege” to rip off Harvard law is exactly the same person she warns Democrats about: a rich, old, whiter than white, thieving, racist bastard.  Democrats will soon point all of this out on the September debate stage and when that happens Chief BS Artist should sink like a protein laden turd in the toilet bowl. 
Kamala Harris’s campaign was sunk in a devastating 30 second sound bite from Tulsi Gabbard during the last debate where Gabbard pointed out Harris’s hypocrisy on drugs by noting that Harris locked up thousands for violating pot laws, then was caught laughing off her own pot use.  She’s done. 
Don’t have time to run through the other 25,000 Dope candidates.  The fact that they are polling at less than 1% says about all that needs to be said. 

I'm biased, but unless another Dope emerges as viable candidate, PDJT is on the path to re-election.  

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