Thursday, August 22, 2019

Universal background Checks a good mechanism to smoke out the Dopes

I saw this and was surprised.  I thought universal background checks (UBC) would be a perfect tool to smoke out Demo-Dopes.  Several posts under, I’m too busy/lazy to point out exactly where, Lex outlines conditions for a UBC system.  Among them, it must be at no cost to sellers/buyers for private transfers and delays mean automatic approval.  No cost means the government reimburses FFL gun shops for the cost of running a UBC for a private transfer, usually about $20.

No doubt Demo-Dopes will scream bloody assault weapons murder at the thought of free anything for gun owners.  The more likely position will be an onerous tax on the transfer to end what they see as the scourge of gun ownership. An onerous tax on gun ownership or ammunition would likely be seen as an infringement on the peoples’ rights under the 2nd Amendment. 

So the party that wants to provide universal free healthcare to the entire world if they can manage to drag their unskilled, uneducated azzes across a US border somewhere, will be on record as not supporting and not defending the constitutional right of American citizens right keep and bear arms by providing a no cost UBC for private gun transfers.

It also would show that they are in no way serious about curbing gun violence.  We’ve heard for year after year from Dopes about the need for closing the “gun show loophole” and providing for a UBC system.  Then when given the opportunity to do it, Dopes refuse to fund the effort.

Apparently the Dopes will offer free everything to everyone but will not fund a UBC that they have been bitching about for years.  They will fund every harebrained scheme imaginable, but will not a UBC system that they have demanded to keep guns out of the hands of felons and lunatics and keep Americans safe.  

I don’t UBC will work worth a damn.  El Paso and Dayton shooters both passed background checks.  The Philly shooter couldn’t pass.  All of them got weapons.  Conclusion:  UBC don’t prevent crazy.  More importantly, it doesn’t pass the simple question test, which is, “Would this legislation have prevented the El Paso or Dayton shootings?”  The answer is, no.  So it does nothing to prevent what is supposedly the proximate cause for passing the legislation.  So we’re passing it, why?  “WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!!”

All that aside, I think the UBC under those conditions offers a pretty awesome juxtaposition of gun grabbers Vs. constitutionalists.  It’ll smoke the Dopes out when they oppose it and make them look like the pandering ineffective buffoons that they are.  

Today’s JG rants 
The JG letters page gets funnier by the day.  Take David Maher’s letter “Paper vote backup essential for 2020 election” of Aug 22, 2019.  The idea of a paper ballot isn’t what I find funny.  I happen to agree with that idea.

What’s funny as hell is the idea that we should take that technologically regressive step because “Russians had practiced extensive and pervasive interference in the 2016 election with the goal of supporting Donald Trump and discouraging support for his competitor.”

Here’s why that statement is downright hilarious.  1) Russians have been interfering in our elections since at least the early 50s.  2) The bloated duplicative ineffective keystone cop intelligence agencies that warn of Russian meddling in 2020, are the exact same agencies that allowed the Russian meddling to occur in the 2016 election.  3) They are the exact same agencies that assure Americans that not one single vote was changed as result Russian interference.  4) With regard Russian meddling, President Obama famously told his ol’ buddy “Vlad” to “knock it off.”  Then he allowed him to meddle.  How can we get tougher than that?  5) President Obama further assured us that it was impossible for a foreign entity to influence our presidential elections because they were too decentralized, but he’s been known to fib, “If you like your healthcare plan…”  6)  The Russian “bot farm” Bob Muller indicted, while clearing PDJT of colluding with the Russians, spent a measly $3,000 in their effort. By contrast, PDJT’s “competitor” blew through nearly a billion dollars in her failed campaign.   7) The indicted Russian “bot farm” has not been shown to have any tie to the Russian government.  8)  We do the exact same damn thing.  President Obama overtly used tax payer dollars in his failed effort to influence Israeli elections.  President Obama very publicly warned the Brits that they would “go to the end of the cue” on trade deals if they passed Brexit, a statement akin to, “Nice country you have here. Be a shame if anything happened to it.”       

Paper vote backup essential for 2020 election
The Journal Gazette (July 30) reports that Allen County will have a paper vote backup – truly a good thing when it was discovered, and agreed to by Republicans and Democrats alike, that the Russians had practiced extensive and pervasive interference in the 2016 election with the goal of supporting Donald Trump and discouraging support for his competitor.
Not implementing the paper vote backup technology until 2029 belies the fact that the Russians are going to interfere with our 2020 election (a contention supported by all of our intelligence agencies). It is believed the interference will probably be even more invasive, given the support for it by the White House, with perhaps even attempts to change actual votes at polling places.
I implore Beth Dlug, Allen County director of elections, to realize the delay in implementing paper vote backup is a clear message to the Russians it's OK to interfere in the 2020 elections as we will have no backup to confirm votes at the polling places.
I read that it will cost $1.2 million to implement this technology. In my mind, that is a small amount to secure our elections in the future.
We must act now to get paper vote backup technology for the 2020 presidential election. Act now to secure our democracy for ourselves and to the world that depends on us as a beacon of freedom.
David Maher
Fort Wayne

The JG’s letters page gets more and more curious.  Take the curious case of Chester Baran’s letter “’Draining the swamp’ requires leadership” of Aug 22, 2019.  Baran hops in his time machine to re-litigate the 2012 Indian senate race.  Huh?  What’s next, a letter detailing Homer Capehart’s moral sins and failings in his loss to Birch Bayh in ‘62?

Richard Mourdock was a flawed a candidate.  His major flaw was that he was not a career politician well practiced in the political art of speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

Richard Lugar was cast aside by Indiana voters because he didn’t even live in Indiana and as result lost touch with Hoosier values.  While those values may not be “exclusive to Indiana”, yes, make that, hell yes they are distinctly different from Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco values or Chuck Schumer’s New York values or the values of the anti-Semitic raging racists like the new face of the Democratic Party – AOC + 3.

So Hoosiers opted for the more polished politician in 2012 and sent Joe Donnelly to Caligula, D.C. where he dutifully toted Chuck Schumer’s bucket of slop wherever Schumer ordered him to tote it, and then he sat quietly and drank as much of the slop as Schumer ordered him to consume.  Hoosiers correctly dumped Schumer’s toadie in 2016.

Bipartisanship is overrated.  Where can “bipartisanship” be found with a party that reflexively labels political opponents racists, Nazis, white supremacist et al for nothing more than arguing in favor of an orderly immigration system?  What is the “bipartisan” position on abortion with a party that has slipped past its “safe, legal and rare” lie to a policy of “anywhere anytime” and openly advocates for the murder – yes murder – of a child who miraculously survives her attempted abortion?  Take as many words as necessary to try to explain where the middle ground lies on legalizing the murder of a child.     

'Draining the swamp' requires leadership
The passing of Richard Lugar evoked effusive praise from our two U.S. senators and our district congressman. They consider him to be the ultimate exemplar of a statesman and reserve a place for him in the pantheon of America's greatest lawmakers.
No mention was made that he was unceremoniously dumped by Hoosier voters in the 2012 GOP primary; Hoosiers opted for Richard Mourdock, a tea party candidate with limited political experience, a disdain for compromise and a muddled mind. Ironically, though these lawmakers verbally regard Lugar with esteem, they share a much stronger political kinship with Mourdock. They decry gridlock but are averse to bipartisanship and they consistently cast their votes as directed by party leadership. Each of them professes a commitment to “Hoosier values” – a common code of decency the people of Indiana think they exclusively possess – yet they fail to remonstrate a president whose virtually every action spits in the face of those values. They are pro-life, willing to vest rights in the unborn while stripping the mother of the agency to make the decision on whether bringing another being into existence is in the best interests of her and the child. At the same time they promote an economy of abundance for the here and now while showing no concern or misrepresenting the climate catastrophes that will afflict the yet-to-be-born as a result of their neglect of climate change.
Draining the swamp and making America great again may be the goals of Indiana's voters, but let me tell you, they can't be accomplished by sending a swamp rat to the White House and supplying him with toadies to do his bidding.
Chester Baran
Fort Wayne

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