Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Today's JG rant: Ban guitars!

A Rare Bird

RE: Roger Blansit's letter "Killing for sport" of  

2016 FBI statistics reveal that 374 Americans were killed using rifles.  That’s rifles of all description not just the type the misinformed Blansit refers to as “military killing machines” which account for between 1-2% of all homicides.  Conversely 472 Americans lost their lives to blunt objects like fists, guitars, hammers etc.

So according to the FBI, Americans are slightly more likely to lose their lives to someone wielding killing machines like guitars, ball bats, candlesticks etc. Guitars?  It’s true.  Hanna Barbera’s Quick Draw McGraw has an alter ego – El Kabong – who regularly smashes a guitar over his protagonist’s head.

Every time someone dies at the hands of a mad man using a blunt “instrument”, guitar players everywhere should be forced to surrender their instruments.  It’s time for common sense blunt force trauma safety measures.  How long will the blood thirsty musician’s union stand in the way of controlling these heinous cartoon killing machines?  The carnage must stop now.   

At a minimum we should all agree that the large mass killing machines – electric guitars – need to be banned.

Nhaaa.  This is all nonsense.  Guitars don’t kill people. Musicians kill people.

Killing for sport
I see Congress will not do what is necessary to end our relentless killings, so I have an alternative.
Make serial killings an Olympic sport; we will be the best – no competition. We have the attitude, the technology, the Second Amendment and the politicians who have thoughts and prayers for everyone. If we can't take military killing machines from civilians, let's be the best in the world at it. Most gun fans are sports fans, so it's perfect.
The NRA will sell more guns and Walmart can feel better about selling them. All in all, a win-win for all of us.
Unless you're one of those snowflakes who believes guitars are better than guns. Guitars don't kill people; they just kill.
Roger Blansit
Coldwater, Michigan

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Mexico has passed the US in number of murders by firearm. I wonder why? What could it be? Of course it is illegal drugs and gangs. Same as the US. As people line up to demand common sense gun laws how about we seal the border, really crack down on gangs and drug dealers, and support our rights to protect ourselves. Mexico has very strict gun laws which anyone can investigate. You can own small caliber firearms like .22's but you can't bear the firearm, etc. And the US CDC says 79 percent of murders in the US were committed by drug gangs that used illegal firearms. So lowering magazine capacities, adding 5 more questions to the background check form, and raising the legal age to 21 will accomplish nothing. And the anti 2A people will blame everyone but themselves.