Tuesday, March 31, 2020

PDJT continues to get Lefty Libs to side with ChiComs

If you’re wondering why Johnny can’t read and write, here’s a clue.  
Today's JG rant 
President Trump does it again!! The “it” in this case is to get another angry JG letter writer suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome since about 9pm on Nov 8th, 2016 to side with the godless, murderous, lying, thieving Chinese communist government over Americans and American interests.  Well played, sir.

The latest Trump hater pining for Chinese communist world dominance is Marty Lemert (Letter, “Ignorance will cost us lives” of Mar 31, 2020).  It is not unreasonable to expect some kind of payment from the communist Chinese government for their negligence in spawning the current pandemic. Lemert lampoons Congressman Jim Banks for floating the idea of the Chinese communist government forgiving or restructuring the portion of US debt they bought up.  The Chinese communist government’s negligence has cost the US trillions of dollars.  Why should such a bargaining chip be taken off the table?

If the restructuring is negotiated and agreed to by both parties it violates no laws.

I love it when a lefty writer accuses someone of not reading books and articles in one line and then goes on to prove his own unread ignorance in the balance of the letter.  So it is with Lemert who thinks all tariff costs are automatically passed on to consumers.  Read a book.  They aren’t.  Often the cost of the tariff or part of the cost is assumed by the foreign manufacturer in order to maintain an advantageous price point on the Walmart self.

Next Lemert somehow believes that it’s jingoistic to expect America to supply itself with critically important healthcare equipment rather than trust the communist Chinese government – the exact same government that carelessly flooded the world with the current pandemic and then supplied tests that do not work and faulty PPE to battle the very plague it loosed on mankind.

When the air clears after this pandemic, the US will break its dependence on China for critical medicines, military supplies and other national security materials.  That break will not be anchored in jingoism. It will be anchored in survival.    

Here’s a news flash to Lemert, the JG editorial staff and lefties in general:  While you long for an authoritarian government that will provide cradle to grave mediocrity by ensuring equal outcomes for all as opposed to equal opportunity and you see the communist Chinese government as a model to those ends, the communist Chinese are not our friends.  They never have been, and it’s unlikely that they ever will be.   

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 1:00 am
Ignorance will cost us lives
Rep. Jim Banks' recent remarks that China should be made to pay the costs of this pandemic in the U.S. was wrong on many levels.
First he suggested China forgive our debt it has bought up; it won't. Nor can we renege on this public debt without violating Section 4 of the 14th Amendment.
Even without violating the Constitution, weakening faith in the security of this debt by “suggesting” we shouldn't have to pay could have severe consequences for the value of the dollar and our economy.
Next, Banks suggested more tariffs as a way for China to pay us.
If Banks could stop blowing his jingoistic dog whistle, he might read an article or book by any economist who will explain Americans are the ones who ultimately pay extra when Donald Trump puts tariffs on various goods.
Also, new tariffs on what exactly? In 2018, the same year the Trump administration gutted our government's pandemic response team, Trump placed a 25% tariff on Chinese-made personal protective equipment for health care workers.
The Trump administration only just exempted the personal protective equipment tariff on March 6 in light of the glaring shortage we now have in these critical goods.
Health care workers are being exposed and put at great risk because of Trump's tariffs and neglect. Meanwhile, Jack Ma, China's version of Jeff Bezos, just donated to the U.S. a million masks and half a million testing kits.
Instead of demonizing the Chinese, let's assign responsibility on the person who accepts none.
Perhaps we need to be billing Trump for the costs of this pandemic as his ignorance, his callous disregard and his hubris have caused America to be short of essentials needed to fight this pandemic.
Claiming China will pay for the virus is like claiming Mexico will pay for the wall – a lie designed to whip up xenophobic lather when ultimately it is Americans who will foot the bill – in money and lives.
Marty Lemert
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

In 1988 the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian airliner killing 290 people. The US paid the families $62 million. Should the Chinese pay something for this pandemic? It seems the US ponies up for it's mistakes. Marty Lemert says no culpability for the Chinese who tried to hide it from the world. Provided no warnings. There is where much of the blame should go. Rep Banks is right to address it.