Sunday, May 11, 2008

How the fall game will be played

If you want to see how the whole campaign against B-HO will play out go here.

I don’t know where/when Swiftboating got a bad name. Instead of being used by the MSM as a term synonymous telling a lie about someone, Swiftboating ought to be used as a term that means pointing out the uncomfortable truth about a politician who the MSM wants to win. I believe there is still a million dollar award for anyone who can disprove a single thing that the Swiftboaters claimed about John Kerry. Kerry himself tried to claim the award but oddly wouldn’t release his full military service record as part of the requirement for proof.

One thing is certain anyone who tries to point out a single limiting factor about B-HO and his bitter affirmative action queen wife will be branded a racist. Oops maybe affirmative action queen is a bit over the top. How about “the well advantaged yet still bitter” wife Michelle my bell…icose.

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