Friday, April 23, 2010

Franklin Graham finds out that truth is not a defence

When you stumble across an organization that has the words "freedom" and "religion" in its title, it usually means freedom from religion. Take the so-called Military Religious Freedom Foundation. No doubt the organization would like to see an end to military chapels, chaplains and images like the one above of servicemen praying.

Well the MRFF can't get that done by May 6th, so they'll settle for having the Pentagon cowards organizing the National Day of Prayer for the military dis-inviting Rev Franklin Graham to their event. Weird huh? Graham is this year's national chairman of the Day of Prayer. Seems he just might have something worth listening to.
But because he spoke the truth about Islam after 9-11, he has to go. There has been so much perversion and violence committed in the name of Mohamed, it seems impossible to argue against Graham and his assertion that Muslims are "enslaved by their religion" and that as a result of the evil committed in Islam's name, Islam is an "evil religion." In effort to prove Graham wrong, pissed off Muslims blew themselves up in crowded Israeli pizza parlors.
There! Now stop calling us evil or we'll get a nuke and set it off in downtown Manhattan and that will really prove that we're not evil! A compliant weak MSM do exactly as they are told. Brave edgy atheist comedians like Bill Maher roll in on Catholics but NEVER mention Islam because they know that the Pope won't issue a fatwa on their cowardly @$$es while some nut-job Imam in Detroit will.
It seems very much akin to the Tea Party bashers. They bash a peaceful movement because it might become nasty while ignoring the violence of leftie loons, anti-Tea Party mobs, border violence etc. Maher and his buds attack the Catholic church without ever condemning Islam. They attack the Catholic church for an admitted problem with HOMOSEXUAL priests molesting children but never have a word to say about perverted homosexuals in the "Act Up" movement or Hollywood pervert pedophiles like Roman Polanski and Woody Allen. Extra extra weird huh?
These same leftie loons attack Franklin Graham for speaking the undisputed truth while ignoring the lies and vile hate filled speech that came out of P-BO's Chicago "church." I'd like to end today with one word - unbelievable. But it is not unbelievable. MSM and Hollywood cowardice and fear of Islam is as predictable as a 5 year old asking dad to buy the red balloon from a circus vendor.

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