Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thanks to all of the creative hard working people out there

Well tomorrow is tax day. Which would be the perfect day for the government to send out "thank you" fruit baskets to the 1% of American taxpayers who foot about 70% the tax burden. Instead P-BO and the Demo-Dopes will continue to trash the very people who are footing the bill. They will continue the class warfare that ingratiates them to the 47% of American who pay no taxes in the hope of boosting that percentage to 50.0001%. And when that happens, we are cooked.

If I had the money, the time and the know how, I 'd run a study to find out what percentage of the 47% who pay no federal taxes are thankful for the government breaks they receive. If what I learned in college - OK the ONE thing I learned in college - is true, most of them probably think that they deserve that break - and MORE. In a study on cognitive dissonance, researchers found that if you paid people a lot of money for doing very little work, they were more likely to become disgruntled workers than ones who did the same job for very little pay. So it stands to reason then that those who pay nothing are the ones bitching the most about what they are getting for their money...uh er non-payment.

The national sales tax solution discussed in several posts under to even the burden is probably a bridge too far. If that's the case, we need a flat tax of no more than three brackets and no higher than 10% at the top. As the old saying goes, if 10% is good enough for God, why should the government and your waiter get more?

Now, what if 47% of the 53% who are paying taxes decided to withhold all or some part of their tax payment? A sort of tax revolt by civil disobedience. First off, it would create administrative chaos in the IRS. As the old school troublemaker's taunt goes, "they can't get us all." I would love to have a nationwide movement to "withhold one dollar" of your payment. It would drive the bean counters in the IRS nuts. They'd spend 100s of millions of dollars maybe billions trying to collect those one dollar bills. When they wise up and let the one dollar go, we bump our withholding up to $5.

As one of the guys at the bottom of the tax scale and a government pensioner to boot, I'd like to thank all of the hard working, creative people out there who pay way more than I do and continue to make this country work in spite of an overbearing, onerous and incompetent government. Sadly, that's about the only thanks you can expect for all that you do.

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