Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Leftie Loon Definition of sedition: Any peaceful protest of the liberal agenda.

Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh were accused of sedition by couple of brain dead scaredy cats on Pissy Matthews's Sunday show. And what are they afraid of? I doubt that they are really afraid that the three named seditioneers are going to lead an armed mob on D.C. What they are really afraid of is that the three will lead millions and millions to the polls in November. That leadership will result in the greatest mid-term set back for sitting president and party in power in the history of the nation. That is what they are really afraid of.

I suppose, at this very minute, there are groups on the left and the right who would like to over throw the government. Those groups are not being led or encouraged by the three. Neither are those the groups the ones that pose the biggest threat to continued Demo-Dope rule. Joe Klein, some doof named John Heilemann, Pissy Mathews and the entire MESSNBC crew know this. In an effort to stave off the inevitable political @$$ whipping they are about to receive, they try to link the time-honored tradition of peaceful political descent and assembly to nut jobs plotting armed revolutions. In November after the votes are counted, no doubt, these weasels will be all over the the air waves saying that there has been a coup against our elegant first half-black president. They might even call on the military to intercede and protect their power.

And isn't it ironic that the Klein and Heilemann show up yakking about sedition just after the guy who pardoned very real and violent FLAN terrorists - Billbo oily slick Willie Clinton - was bemoaning peaceful assembly because it MIGHT turn nasty; and after a leftie loon's ham-handed attempt to encourage lefties to infiltrate the Tea Party so that they WOULD turn nasty; and after P-BO's derision of Tea Party marchers. That's rich. The guy who sat through hate filled, vile, anti-American sermons for TWENTY YEARS; a guy who hangs out with the guy who bombed the Pentagon, is suddenly worried about hate speech and anti-government activity. Rush put it best yesterday, Clinton and Obama cut their chops protesting the American government. Now they are protesting then protesters. Weird huh?

To all; organized peaceful political descent IS NOT SEDITION. If violence breaks out at Tea Party event, you can bet it was started by leftie loons. The only thing the three seditioneers want us to "punch out" is a ballot in November.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The article is about people coming across our border illegally and murdering cops. I have not heard of one confirmed disorderly Tea Party member even though they have had microscopes and telescopes on them for over a year. The sherrif in Arizona is announcing that the situation is out of control. He is asking for troops. If the libs are afraid of bunch of near sighted, middle-aged geriatrics with high blood pressures walking around with hand made signs saying things like "Cut government spending", then they must be scared out of their wits by the illegal entry of organized dope dealers that are kidnapping, murdering, and robbing US border state citizens. They are concerned about losing our country to Tea Party Sedition? How about clearing out those rat's nests in these Mexican border towns. We are losing control of our border. American blood there is being shed right now.
The Griffin.