Monday, April 12, 2010

Hey let's have a really expensive party and talk about nukes

Well there is a whole ship load - or is it pant load? - of High Asses - or is it highness's? - Royal Highness's and whatnot's arriving today for P-BO's nuclear confab. Israel isn't playing though. That's a good thing for us, because given P-BO's promise not use the nukes we have and not to build anymore, we may need to come under their nuclear shield.

Given P-BO's naivete, if the others say, "Look we'd be happy to destroy all of our nukes if you destroy yours first" P-BO and the Demo-Dope majority would no doubt begin destroying weapons. At least then, we'll have Israel to fall back on.

I suppose when you have enough weapons to destroy the planet a couple of times over, it doesn't hurt to talk about getting rid of some of them. George Bush destroyed obsolete and unnecessary weapons. But George Bush didn't say he would never use the ones that remain. Some 8th grade teacher needs to show up at the White House, and soon, to explain the concept of a deterrent to P-BO. If everyone knows you have no intention of ever using your weapons, they are not a deterrent. At that point they become expensive props.

I guess it's time once again for Lex's lesson on the death penalty. Nukes are a nation's death penalty. The government shouldn't be in the business of killing its citizens. But the citizens shouldn't be going around killing each other either. It's the government's business to protect us from each other -ehum not from ourselves as Libs are prone to think. I support the death penalty only insofar as if killing 100 murderers deters even one other murder, it's worth it. But the government has to be willing to use the deterrent.

What if a Governor said look we're going to keep this death penalty thing on the books but I swear to you it'll never be used again. If there were even one would be murderer reconsidering his plot based on that information, the governor would have done the people of his state a great disservice. The same can be said of nukes. If we have them but swear we won't use them, why have them?

Let's face it while there is no sin in talking about nuclear disarmament, absolutely nothing - save the waste of 100s of millions of dollars - will be accomplished at P-BO's nuclear confab. And that is the worst thing about this fancy masquerade party.

And if you think P-BO's confab is expensive, wait till you see the Defense Dept. budget without nukes. Nukes have proven to be a fairly cost effective means of maintaining the peace. Some smart guy ought to start asking administration officials what they see as end strength and modernization costs for conventional forces when the nukes go away. You can bet Libs will no more want to foot the bill that than have a nuclear silo in their own backyard.

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