Thursday, April 22, 2010

Your papers please

There is an interesting battle going on in AZ. Sans any serious efforts by the feds to do their job of enforcing the border, the AZ state government is on the verge of passing a law that requires AZ police departments to perform ID checks on suspicious looking people (read Hispanics). Now the Libs and the the Catholic Cardinal in L.A. are up in arms. "Profiling," they shout! Well yeah, it is, duh.

When the clerk at the 7-11 says the perps that robbed him escaped in black Lincoln Towncar, the cops don't go around pulling over third car at a stop sign in hopes of appearing to be fair and catching the crooks by happenstance. They focus on large dark colored sedans. In the real world, it's called common sense. In the Lib world, the "pigs" are racist homophobic gay and transgender woman hating Nazi bastards intent on destroying the world.

I'm not crazy about the cops anywhere asking people for "their papers." We've been remodeling here at the Lex compound for - lemesee, what is it now, 20 years? - no it's only been 9 months but it seems like 20 years. Anyway a good many of the talented hard working people who have helped on the project have been Hispanic. It has never once crossed my mind to ask anyone for their papers. I just assumed that the people were here legal because the government was doing its job.

In AZ that is NOT the case. Phoenix, AZ is now the kidnapping capitol of America. Narco terrorists are killing people willy nilly on both sides of the border. AZ remains a highway for human trafficking of illegal aliens for cheap labor, prostitution, and gang muscle. The local cops and citizens feel overwhelmed and endangered. Yet the Libs are more concerned with violence at a Tea Party - a non-event - than with the daily and very real violence perpetrated by Mexican gangs in AZ.

I can understand the frustration. My initial response to Libs and the L.A. Cardinal who oppose the proposed law is, "Hey why don't you go live down there for a while and experience what they are up against." Then I'm reminded of the Ben Franklin quote, "Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither."

The Lex points on curbing illegal immigration:
1. Fine the crap out of the employers.
2. Put illegals in jail for 6 months cleaning highways and parks.
3. No public benefits, less life saving medical treatment.
4. No anchor babies.

That would pretty much put an end to illegal aliens coming across the border and would cause the self deportation of millions of others. It will do nothing to stem the flow illegal narcotics into the country. For that we need a wall and a sophisticated mobile air traffic interceptor system.

The last point on all of this. It's quite OK for Americans to debate the proposed AZ law on both sides. Great, have at it. But I read on Drudge this morning where the Mexican government is weighing in on on the law. Well, screw them! Were it not for their corrupt and useless federal and local governments we wouldn't have this problem to begin with. I'm not interested in what a bunch of corrupt Mexican government officials have to say about the chaos on OUR border. The bastards are probably profiting from all the the illegal activity to begin with. Screw 'em! Oh, I already said that. Well it bears repeating. Screw the corrupt Mexican government!

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