Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Shhhh, let's wreck the tea party

What is the first rule of any conspiracy? Keep the conspiracy a secret! If you hire a hit man to knock off your wife so you can enjoy the insurance money, you don't go posting your plans to head off to Aruba as soon as she's dead on your Facebook page.

Lib idiots (yes a redundant statement if ever there were one) didn't get the memo on secrecy. Jason Levin - one said Lib idiot - actually created a web site - crashtheteaparty.org - to instruct lefties how to infiltrate "the tea party" and make the partyers look like racists, homophobes and morons. When asked about it Jason said, "Damn, someone just explained the 'world wide' part of the 'world wide web' to me. I think my privacy is being violated."

I have always suspected that, if someone called a US Representative a N----r during the health care debate, he was an SEIU member in good standing posing as a Tea Party member. But right now we have to think that John Lewis was just hearing things he was hoping to hear or is a liar. Why? Because there is absolutely no proof that anyone - SEIU or otherwise - shouted the N word at Lewis. No proof in spite of 100s of cameras, scores of police accounts, a $100,000 reward for any video evidence supporting Lewis' claim and a compliant news media who would have run such a clip 10,000,000 times by now.

Now I could be like Billbo O'Reilly and say in effect, Well, Lewis is an honorable man. If he said he was called that, I believe him. If he says that the sun rises in the west, I believe that as well.

I don't know Lewis. Absent any evidence that should be readily available given the nature of the accusation - that the N word was shouted at him 15 times - I have to say he is mistaken or a liar. And everything Lewis says from this day forward is immediately suspect as well. If he will lie about this, he will lie about anything and everything. I don't believe him.

The ONLY thing worse than actual racists are the people who accuse innocent people of being racists. That goes for Mr. Lewis, Mr. O'Reilly and the rest of the dying because they are lying MSM.

Tea Party beware. Crowd out stupid signs. Shout down SEIU member shouting inappropriate thing. Photograph and record everything. Ask for ID from people acting inappropriately. If they refuse, photograph them for later identification.

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