Thursday, December 12, 2013

Can we talk? No.

With Brain:  Can we talk honestly about King Dope?

W/out Brain:  No.  That, I’m afraid, would be racist.

With Brain:  But it’s all true and based in fact.

W/out Brain:  That makes no difference.  Speaking the truth about King Douche would be disrespectful, and the fact that what might be said happens to be the absolute truth is even more disrespectful to our grand and glorious king and as such is racist.

With Brain:  So, if I say that King MacDoofus is a half-black, dope smoking, under achieving, affirmative action pass through that’s racist?  Even if King Jackazz admits that his dad was black his mother was white; that he was choom gang dope smoker who was by his own admission was an underachiever and a recipient of affirmative action that allowed him to slip through without the rigor required of others – that’s still racist?

W/out Brain:  Yes.

With Brain:  But King Jugears admits to all of it.

W/out Brian:  That doesn’t matter.  The truth is no defense when it comes to King Halfwit.  All that matters is that the king be placed in the best possible light so not to become unpopular with the Twerking crowd.

With Brain:  But that’s pure propaganda.

W/out brain:  Yes it is.  And damn effective propaganda.  We can shut anyone up simply by leveling a charge of racism at them, even if they are telling the absolute truth.  See nobody wants to be called a racist these days.  It’s almost better to be a convicted pedophile than have Rev? Al NotsoSharpton, who is ironically a racist himself, label you a racist for saying Robertscare is an expensive unholy FUBAR – which is undeniably true.  But because it makes King Stupid look, um, well, stupid, that clearly is a racist statement.

With Brain:  How is that truism racist?

W/out Brain:  Well it doesn’t pass the one step test.  Does the statement make King SFB look bad?  If the answer is yes, then it’s racist.  Period.  By contrast if you say something demonstrably false like, “King SFB didn’t know about the IRS targeting conservative groups, Fast and Furious, NSA surveillance program, DoJ wiretapping etc.” or “Benghazi was the result of a video” or “if you like yur healthcare plan you can keep it” or “if you like your Dr. you can keep him” or “people will save $2,500 dollars with Robertscare” even though it's total BS, well you sir then are not only NOT a racist but can be counted among the truly enlightened.

With brain:  Well who gets to decide all of this?

W/out Brain:  Mainly our lapdog press, but anyone can shutdown a conversation that is making King Richard look bad by leveling the racism charge at the guilty party.  The Oprah, Henry Belafonte, John Lewis etc. etc.  do it all of the time with great effect.  But, even commoners can shut down debate with charges of racism.  Suppose you’re home for Christm…uh make that ‘the holidays’ and your mom tells you that her healthcare insurance went up a 140% due Robertscare.  You say, “Now mom, don’t go all racist, redneck, bitter clinging to your Bible on me.  You know your healthcare plan that covers maternity care, lactose services, drug and alcohol rehab, sex change operations, free abortions, contraceptives, and many other critical services for an 80 year old woman is much better than that bare bones policy you had.”  It’s important for your mom to know that, while what she is saying is the absolute truth, she’s a racist for saying it and should cease and desist immediately with reporting the truth about her healthcare.  It doesn’t make King SFB look good so it’s racist. Period.

With Brain:  But my mom isn't a racist!

W/out Brain:  It doesn't matter.  Remember, the truth is no defense when dealing with King Dopes-a-lot.  All that matters is if what is being said places King Numbskull in a bad light.  Remember it's a ONE step process, and unlike Robertscare there are NO WAIVERS.  If you speak ill of the king - true or not - YOU ARE A RACIST!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
If everyone that disagrees with the King is racist, then the word loses meaning. What is a true racist now? The occurrence of a 6 year old boy sent home from school last week for kissing a girl's hand was classified by the school as "sexual harassment". Well how many millions of people are now guilty of "sexual harassment" by this new definition? Doesn't it lose its meaning? Lex has the communications degree to sort this out. It seems to me that when the meaning of a word is hijacked , it then loses its purpose for being used. It fails to communicate anything. Melisa Perry said last week that "rich white men" coined the phrase Obamacare. That the word is now derogatory one. I would say that if it is a derogatory one it is because Obamacare means broken, a sham, government as its' worse, a flim flam. Used in a sentence, "The sales guy sold me 2007 wheel-drive, red Obamacare hunk of junk". He was of course racist.