Thursday, December 26, 2013

Dealing with Phil Robertson

Saw Bill last Fri night when he waded into the Duck Dynasty fiasco again.  As usual, it seemed to me that Bill tried to split the baby and prove himself above the fray by deeming both sides wrong.  And both sides right.  My sense was that he criticized Robertson for “judging” homosexuals.  Jesus, says O’Reilly, would never do that.  So “condemning homosexual behavior” was Phil’s big mistake.

I’ve looked at Phil’s comments.  He certainly expresses a personal opinion on the nature of man, but aside from that, Phil said, we’re all sinners.   He goes on to say, it’s not for him but rather God to judge.  So I think Bill got it a bit wrong.

Besides, I’m pretty sure, while Jesus told us not to judge, he did not forbid us to warn.  Isn’t that what the disciples and apostles of Christ have been doing for 2,000 years?  Isn’t that what evangelization all about?  Didn’t Matthew offer this warning in 7:13-14:  “Enter by the narrow gate, since the road that leads to destruction is wide and spacious, and many take it; but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”  Couldn’t that be construed as a warning against today’s hedonistic anything goes lifestyle?

Clearly Phil, in his own way, was warning not judging.  How selfish would you be if you knew the way to eternal life and happiness but refused to share your knowledge of the path?  It seems to me society is on a pretty wide path.  Anyone who warns of this fact is labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe, woman hater anything to get them to shut up.  In short, they are treated like Phil is being treated.

Many apologize 10,000 times and try to get on with their lives.  But not Phil.  When asked to apologize, he refused.  He said in essence, you can read it in the Bible or hear me say it.  Then paraphrasing a former Secretary of State asked, what’s the difference?  I think Phil and other Christians are living out Jesus’ warning in Matthew 10:22: You will be hated by all because of my name…” The good news is that the verse goes on: “whoever endures to the end will be saved.”

The left’s plan for dealing with the Bible is becoming clear as well.  Like everything they disagree with they lie about it.  “Everything with Robertscare is going just as expected.”’  “We didn’t know a thing about ­­­­­_____________ (fill in the scandal) until we saw it in the news.  We’re just as upset about it as the American people.”  And the mother of all lies “If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it.”

With that in mind watch the fast talking Mark Lemont Hill try to twist the Bible.  Fortunately, he’s schooled by a Biblical scholar.  But Lamont Hill’s approach falls in line with other ignoramuses in the media claiming that the Bible says the earth is but 6,000 years old.  The Bible makes no such claim.  A 12th Century theologian counted back the genealogy found in Genesis, and not accounting for skipped generations, arrived at the 6,000 year mark.  God made a covenant with man for 1,000 generations so that would put man’s existence on the planet at about 50,000 years, so.  Even our self proclaimed King has entered into the debate saying once that the Bible forbids eating shellfish.  Not so.  Genesis 9:3 says, “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you.”

So this is the plan.  Make stuff up at the rapid rate and move along before anyone can say, “Hold on there Skippy.  I think you’ve got that a bit wrong.”

Phil Robertson - by plan or accident - has done more to expose the left as the intolerant hypocrites that they are than anyone in long time.  Now as debate rages over his remarks, he’s exposed the left’s plan for dealing with the Bible.  One word: Lie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
Progressives want separation of church and state? Let me throw a big BS in here. Progressives want govt to mandate healthcare to religious institutions. Progressives want govt to determine which churches get tax breaks. Progressives want the government to dictate to Catholic Social Services how they determine who can adopt children placed with Catholic Social Services. It seems to me progressive govt is way too involved in telling churches and religious org's what they can and cannot do. They routinely violate the separation they say they are committed to. Full blown hypocrites. And when Progressives say a person has the right to express themselves, like Phil, it really applies only to those people that agree with progressives. I say eat a Chick-Fila sandwich today while listening to the new Duck Dyn Christmas CD. Drive over and shop at The Hobby Lobby too. (I got the Duck Dyn Christmas CD yesterday. Very good by the way). The Webster's Dictionary should redefine Progressives as... "Hypocrites: people that have lost their God given common sense: unhappy, unhappy, unhappy"