Sunday, December 08, 2013

Round up

Someone famous once said, anything that cannot go on forever won't.  I wonder if the provider of that profundity knew anything about quantitative easing?  With unemployment miraculously ticking down to 7% - if you can believe anything coming from this administration - and azzbag after administration azzbag telling us how wonderful everything is going, isn't it about time that the fed stop pumping 85 billion worthless dollars a month into the stock market?

If you are a Dope up for reelection in Nov 2014, the answer to that question is no.  It's better to keep the illusion going for another year than have the economic house of cards the fed has built with phony money collapse around you before the last dead voter's ballot has been counted...twice, or as many times as necessary to win. 

The economy is on crack.  When the dealer - fed chairman Yellen - decides to withhold the first 85 billion dollar monthly fix, the addict - the stock market - will get the withdrawal heebie jeebies so bad it will make them think Pee Wee Herman is a mixed martial arts champion.  The market plunges more than a 100 points every time the fed even suggests it might start to adopt a more sane money policy.  As long as the fed is pumping fake money into the market, the market rises to one record high after another.

But guess what Mr. & Mrs. America, nothing of real value is being created here.  The paper on Wall St. soars from one record to the next, but the underlying value of companies built on top of worthless capital and whose output of a tangible product limps along at 1-2% growth has to be questioned.  Questioned by whom?  That's the rub.  Nobody really.  The Dopes don't question it because they point to the very bogus numbers as a sign of a strengthening economy.  The Republi-Rats don't question it lest they create a scare and cause a fall off of donations from Wall St. fat cats benifiting from the scam.  The lapdogs will not question it until after the midterms when they will declare it's time stop QE infinity if the Reps win or declare everything is fine if the Dopes win.

When it finally does end, and it will because anything that cannot go forever has to end, it's going to be a disaster.

Catholics and amnesty
I see where the Catholic Bishops on the border are starting a movement for amnesty for illegals.  I suppose they think their flocks will grow as millions of Hispanics flood across the border.  They are wrong.  Hispanic's make up the largest portion of new evangelics in the US.  Catholic growth is being found among Asians and Africans.

But not growing the church is not the big problem with amnesty.  It's just bad policy.  Lex sent a strong letter to his bishop condemning Cardinal Dolan's call for amnesty.  The response I received back is that the church is interested in the gospel the Lord Jesus Christ not politics.  Well tell that to Cardinal Dolan and the Catholic Bishops down on the border. 

Once the Pope and his bishops succeed in destroying American capitalism, who is going to pay for Catholic Charities?  They truly are, whether they know it or not, killing the golden goose with their mindless pandering to the Demo-Dope party.  See the deal with the tribe of cannibals below.

Oh and while we're on it.  My Bishop may be apolitical, but how is it Cardinal Dolan goes on NBC and tells David Gregory that King Douche (my words not the Cardinal's - as if it were necessary to point that out) "is alienating some of his strongest supporters" with his stance on government support for abortion.  Really?   Is that it?  That's the Catholic Church's Pusan perimeter on social issues of the day?

King Douche alienated me when he referred to me as a bitter clinger; let the New Black Panther engage in voter intimidation; lied about Fast & Furious, the IRS scandal, the NSA scandal, wire tapping by the DoJ, the Robertscare lie-athon, youcan keep your plan and doctor, supposedly didn't know his 600 MILLION DOLLAR web site was junk, 4 dead Americans in Benghazi; the video and on and on.  Cardinal Dolan only seems to care about King Douche's honesty and trustworthiness when it's his ox being gored.  The rest of us have pretty much been alienated since day one.

Anything that cannot go on forever won't.  So it is for 24 game win streaks.  TOSU was beaten by a better Meatchicken State team on Sat.  The Buck defense hasn't been able to cover the forward pass all year - two years really.  That fact was exposed late in the season in games against IL and Meatchicken.  QBs from those schools had record days throwing the football against TOSU defensive backs who it seemed couldn't cover a stone if the coach put it in their pocket. 

But a robust offense and a brilliant coach made it seem possible to figure a way to win every week.  They almost pulled it off again.  Trailing by 3 with third and two and two tries to get the yards, you'd think your 240 lbs all-American running back would get a touch on at least one of the two tries.  You'd be wrong.

The MS QB joined the IL and Meatchicken QBs having a record day passing the football and coach Meyer had no miracles left in his back pocket.   No doubt there will be changes on the defensive side of the ball for TOSU next year - coaches or talent or both.

It was fun while it lasted.  Besides it's not is if something unspeakable happened, like getting beat by Meatchicken.

Oh and the BCS, such as it is, appears to have gotten it right...again.

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