Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Last bummer post before the New Year

The Sinkhole isn’t done destroying the country
If you think Prince Sinkhole caving on the budget is as bad is it will get before the midterm, guess again.  The prince no doubt will take up amnesty in the summer, just after the primary filing deadline, and in his usual fashion he will give the Dopes everything they want in exchange for some small favor to be paid back in 2058.  Then he’ll go to the mic praising the deal and the length he and his minions went to get any deal at all.  In doing so he’ll act as if we’re all as brain-dead as he is.

There’s also another raising of the debt ceiling that will need to be done before the next election.  What will the Rats get out of that negotiation?  I’m betting on Prince Sinkhole extracting exactly NOTHING in exchange for another rise in the debt ceiling.

Let’s face it.  Whatever hopes we had for Prince Sinkhole being a strong leader are gone.  He is at best a backbench warming, chain smoking, Dope pleasing, wine guzzling crybaby.

Ryan’s deal
Paul Ryan, the Rat co-standard bearer in the last election, is proof why NO elected official can be trusted - Dope or Rat.  Ryan has served up a steaming plate of bovine excrement in this budget deal and is passing it off as a “good deal.”  Hey Paul!  BS is still BS.  Just because you’re serving up the latest round of it on a fine china plate doesn’t change the recipe.

There are any number of things to be PO’d about this “deal.”  First and foremost is the promise of budget cuts 10 years after the latest congressional spending binge is approved in the deal.  Note to America:  THE CUTS NEVER EVER COME.

Then there’s the cut to military retired pay to help pay for this monstrosity.  That cut Mr. & Mrs. America hits Lex right where he lives.  Not to worry though.  I’m happy to do my part.  What really aggravates me though is that while military retired pay is cut, the ruling class in Caligula D.C. gets through unscathed.  It seems to me it is our congress that got us into this mess.   As such, it is they who should be the first ones to feel the pain of their malfeasance.  Ah, but the last thing the ruling class lords will do is inflict the slightest bit of pain on themselves.  You see they believe that they are all special people.  Way, way better, and more important than any mere commoner.  D.C. truly is just like the capitol city in the movie Hunger Games.  Populated by a bunch of out of touch swells who actually look down upon the rest of us.

As noted in a post under, we cannot count on the Republi-Rats.  They have more in common with the Dopes than do with any of us.

Anyone who twitters can send their objections on military pay cuts to D.C. at #KeepYourPromise.

Tis the season to be jolly
Or as Andy Williams put it – It’s the most wonderful time of the year.  And so it is.  Christmas is upon us!  So we’ll have to let Caligula D.C. and the swamp rats that infest that region go for a bit.  We shouldn’t let the clueless bastards who compose our Ruling Class ruin our season.  So, this page will be dedicated to a more positive message from this point to the New Year when we’ll return the petty, childish, 8th grade name calling.

Here’s your first installment.
This is the best 5 minutes you’ll spend before Christmas.  My new most favorite Christmas Carol.  Skip past the ad after about 5 seconds.  It opens with the Linus’s soliloquy from a Charlie Brown Christmas.  If your toes ain’t a tappin by about the 2 minute mark – check your pulse, call a Dr, because something is definitely wrong with you.

If you liked that, check this out.  It’s the artist telling how the song came to be.  Good stuff very uplifting for this season.  I don't know this guy at all, but I'll bet he'd be a fun guy to have come fix your plumbing, or go fishing with or Bar-B-Q with or drive to Cleveland with.    

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