Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Dumping life-long ruling-class Republi-Rats

Mitch McConnell was sworn into the US Senate in 1985.  That’s what?  Lemmesee, 85 from 13?  No wait.  13 from 85?  No wait. Hmm, how the heck does that work?  Well anyway it’s a hell of a long time.  That'll be nearly 30 years by the time the mid-term elections roll around.

I do not have one thing against Mitch McConnell - except for when he voted with Lord Harry the Roach Reid against Ted Cruz and his latest outburst against the Tea Party for having the temerity to mount a challenge to, what I’m sure he in his own mind believes is, his blood right – a life-long position of power in Caligula D.C.

McConnell is a classic example of the D.C. ruling class – a guy who has been there for so long he believes that he’s entitled to his position; a guy who has been there for so long he has forgotten why he came to D.C. in the first place; a guy who has been there for so long it’s more important for HIM to be in D.C. than accomplish anything in D.C.; a guy who has been there so long he has more in common with D.C. than the people he’s supposed to represent in Kentucky;  a guy who has been there for so long that he actually believes that there is no one in a state of nearly 4.5 million people that is more qualified, better equipped, has better ideas or is smarter than he is, so he gets to be senator for life.   Anyone who thinks otherwise is threat to entire ruling-class establishment of Caligula D.C. and must be destroyed.

Like I said, I have nothing against McConnell.  He was my man of the year not along.  But for crying out loud Mitch, 30 years?  You have been there the entire time the country has run up 17 TRILLION in debt.  That’s reason enough in my mind to let you go.  Further, you do not endear yourself to me when you vote with Lord Roach against Ted Cruz.  Neither do you gain my trust when you go nuclear on a people of your own party for advocating a more aggressive policy of resistance to King Douche’s dismantling of America.

By God we should be resisting this lawless tyrant and his team of anti-constitutional thugs every inch of the way.  McConnell’s and other life-long appointees of the Republi-Rat D.C. ruling class’s strategy of retreat, retreat, retreat, then surrender is NOT a strategy for victory.  It’s not a strategy of opposition.  It’s a strategy of capitulation.  It’s a strategy of holding a seat in congress in order to do nothing with it except line one’s own pockets and attend the swell social gatherings in the capitol.  It is a strategy that promotes the ruling class by differing only in the speed of the car as it approaches the cliff, but it does nothing to change its path.

Here’s the 64 million dollar question for McConnell, “If you lose your primary, will you support the nominee and campaign for vigorously for him?”  I know the answer.  The answer is NO.  Here in IN we dumped life-long ruling-class grandee Richard Lugar in a primary.  Lugar did not so much as endorse the Republican nominee.  The same will be true in KY.  Sadly, today McConnell has more in common with Lord Roach than he does with his Republican primary opponent or the people of Kentucky.

Like I said, I don’t have anything against Mitch except for his complicity with Lord Roach in destroying the country.  So yeah, I’d vote against him in the primary.  But I’d show to vote for him in the general election, if he won the primary.  That is more than McConnell would do for his opponent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
And that is why I suspect the IRS scandal of illegally going after the Tea Party is not getting the exposure it deserves. The Republirats figure they will kiss and make up with the Tea Party after they win their primaries. Mitch deserves to be canned. This Obamacare debacle is going to reach a long way. The shrapnel may hit a few republic-rats.