Wednesday, August 23, 2017

PDJT rallies base, Lefty Libs magnify their Trump derangement Syndrome

I breezed past two bedtime calls Last night to watch PDJT – on the computer as my cable news ban is still 80% in effect – I was quite amazed.  It was like the eclipse, I could not avert my eyes (the doctors say I have no chance regaining my sight, but it was worth it).  He savaged the MSM hacks especially CNN.  It was glorious.  I think it was effective, because when I told Ms. Lex what he was saying – the MSM is dishonest - the reasonable one in the family’s response was, “Well, they are.” 

After the speech, I could not resist and had to peek at CNN.  It was hilarious.  Don Lemonhead was in a state of shock as he convened a panel of 6 #NeverTrumpsters to trash the speech.  What made it so hilarious was that PDJT had just made the point that CNN regularly gathers panels of 6 #NeverTrumpsters to thrash him.  So CNN was just doing what CNN does. Ignoring my cable news ban did not extend to PMSNBC.  There’s only so much one can take after he’s breezed past two bedtime calls.

Some seem to think PDJT went too far when he stated that the MSM does not like America.  Lex has been saying this since this page has been around.  The only difference is that I give the MSM and 98% of Demo-Dopes the benefit of the doubt by putting it this way, “I’m not saying the MSM is anti-American, but their actions would be no different if they were.”

There was some good policy news in the speech.  PDJT not so subtly indicated that Joe Arpio will pardoned.  PDJT indicated that there would be a government shut down if the border wall is not funded*.  He set the terms of the debate for the 2018 mid-terms if tax reform/cuts are not done.

*The Dopes could seize on this by saying, "Hey, I thought the Mexicans are supposed to pay."

PDJT was in rare fire ‘em up mode.  Many think that he was over the top and drowned out his spot on message from the night before.  Maybe, but those are the same wizards of smart who gave PDJT 0% chance winning the GOP nomination and minus 25% chance of winning the general election. PDJT has his own way of doing things.

Politically I think PDJT’s goal is to get the base 100% behind him so as to be able to threaten the weak-kneed Rat establishment Republicans with his political power with the base.  He also, I think, is driving the left further left – if that’s possible.  Running against the MSM, Leftist loons like Chuckles the clown Schumer and Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser is not a bad strategy.

Jeh Johnson claims statues are a rally point for hate
First, I doubt it.  The outcry against statues is 100% political.  People have walked by these things for decades and never gave them a thought.  Now they are rally points for hate.  BS.  They are a 100% manufactured rally point for a political wedge issue for Dopes.  If they weren’t, communities would be having open debate as what to do with the monuments of Dopes erected by the Dopes instead of tearing them down in the middle of the night and destroying them.

Put these monuments and yes pieces of American art in museums.  Put a plaque by each stating the honoree’s political party and views, the political party that erected the statue, when it was erected and why.  That’s sort of like history, right?

The last thing the Dopes want is the bright sunlight of history shining down and documenting their corrupt and racist party.

Headline:  Thieves Rush Sneaker Stores, Steal Thousands in Merchandise in Just Seconds: NYPD
Yup, absolutely profiled it.  Black lives matter so much they should be allowed to loot at will.  That Confederate Statue in Charlottesville made ‘em do it.  Where’s Jeh Johnson declaring this a safety issue and demanding that the store owner put the shoes outside on the sidewalk before someone gets hurt running out the door with an arm full of stolen
merchandise and bumping his elbow. 

From the “You cannot make this $h!t up file”
ESPN replaced Robert Lee, an Asian American from Ohio, from broadcast a UVa football game because he’s an incompetent broadcaster.  No just kidding.  That would make sense.  The dopes at ESPN removed Bobby because his name is similar to Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

Being a good ESPN Lefty Lib lemming who values his employment, Bobby Lee agreed with ESPN’s decision to note that his name is racist.  I guess we’ll ban everyone named Lee, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Hood, Byrd, Johnson, Clinton, Lynch, Wallace, Biden, Jackson, Sharpton, Wright, etc.etc. all of whom share a name with a well-known racists.

This is the next logical step in the Lefty Lib purge of all things**…no I guess that’s it.  Purging all things.

**I was looking for a group of something to plug in behind “all things.”  Like "all things white" or "all things American" or "all things mainstream" but “all things” period is accurate.   

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Lee is Asian. ESPN is racist. All statues and busts of Ted Turner need torn down. The Griffin.