Monday, May 21, 2018

Is America failing, if they get away with it - yes

Farm bill fails over work requirement for food stamps
So the Demo-Dopes are up in arms about a job training or work requirement for citizens receiving food stamps and/or other public aide.  Weird huh.  On the one hand Dopes are pushing a $15 an hour government job for all Americans who want one and on the other bitching about a work requirement for welfare.

Well then, cancel welfare.  Open a job program that pays $15 an hour for 20 hours of work or work related training.  Everyone is happy - right?   

Every campaign will now have an FBI “informant”
The key question for Boob Nifong Mueller and DOJ IG is, just how long have foreign powers been trying to influence American elections?  The answer is – since the founding.  It started with the French trying to drag America into to its conflict with Great Britain. The French actually tried to gin up a revolution against President Washington.

Russians were enlisted by Demo-Dopes like Teddy I only drowned one girl in the backseat of my car Kennedy to thwart President Reagan’s reelection. 

Lex looks at foreign interference in our elections as a given.  Money and information is going to flow to candidates that support a country’s interests. Chinese Communists backed Billbo Billyboy Clinton.  The Soviet Union and now Russia historically back the Demo-Dopes – for obvious reasons. 

So foreign influence is a given and has been since 1776.  Why all the sudden interest in something that has been ongoing since the founding?  To answer that question one need look no further than who got her ample azz whipped in 2016.

Jimmy the fib clap Clapper says the government wasn’t spying on the Trump campaign per se but rather “investigating” Russian interference. YGBSM!  That’s pretty much a distinction without a difference.  If that’s a true statement, and given the source that cannot be assumed, then there should have been “informants” inside every campaign.  Because, as Lex noted, foreign interference is a given.

So try that if the wife catches you tailing her to her “girls’ night out.”  “I wasn’t doin’ no spyn’ honey.  My trust in you runs deeper than the outhouse hole.  I was just, what’s the word, oh yeah investigatein’ who it was you was hangin’ out wit.”

My own thinking on this issue is that the incompetents inside government – like Clapper, Mueller, Comey, Brennan, Lynch, Power, Biden, The Empty Suit etc. etc. – ought to be dealing with foreign powers to dissuade them from interfering in our elections.  Not infiltrating the opposing party’s campaigns. 

It makes no sense to me for the heavy and corrupt hand of the federal government infiltrating one side of the political spectrum’s campaigns. All of the evidence in history says that if any political party is in bed with anti-Americans and communists it is the Dopes.  But inexplicably the illegal government BS only EVER goes in one way – and it is not targeted at the political party with well-known ties to anti-American and communists.

That’s a constitutional crisis, Mr. and Mrs. America.  That is not supposed to happen in America. 

As each layer of the onion is pealed back, the dirty deeds of The Empty Suit administration and the Demo-Dope Party become more and more apparent and more destructive to the trust in the electoral process and – if possible – government itself.

Lex would often write. “Okay let’s assume Demo-Dopes and their MSM lackeys are not anti-American commie loving d-bags, how would their behavior be any different if they were?” The answer today is the same as always, it wouldn’t be any different.

Look, the Dopes and MSM side with Iran, N Korea, China, Russia, Hamas, MS-13, illegal aliens, rioters and drug cartels against the American people – and that was just last week.

Corruption at the highest levels of government is apparent to anyone willing to notice.  All of it has been directed at preventing DJT from winning the 2016 presidential election and now to destroy his presidency. 

In the post under, Lex asks if America is failing.  If the anti-American commie loving scum are able to scuttle PDJT’s presidency behind lies the answer will be a resounding yes.  Not because President Pence would be a bad choice as a president, rather because Nifong Mueller and the Caligula, D.C. azzbags think 63 million Americans are going to just sit back and watch an election be reversed by a criminal element that resides deep inside government.

Note to Nifong Mueller and the azzbags – many won’t. PDJT at that point as likely as not would form a government in exile.

Last note:  Supposed “loyal Americans” like Shrillda the Hutt, Mueller, Comey, Brennan, et al have done to undermine Americans’ trust in elections and the political process than all of the foreign interference in the history of this great country. 

Royal wedding proves white male dominance
Rev? Al Not-So-Sharp-ton says the royal wedding indicates an end to white male supremacy.  Well to the extent that anyone thinks that white male supremacy actually exists, I hope so. 

Not surprisingly, looking at the royal wedding, one might think it indicates the exact opposite proving – again not surprisingly – Rev? Al Not-so-sharp-ton is wrong. A pretty biracial girl falls for a whiter than white ginger boy.  It would seem to me that those circumstances indicates white male dominance – to the extent such a thing exists - is doing fine rather than failing.

You know whitey can’t jump, shoot a basketball or dance but somehow still scores the prettiest girl in the class. If that’s not white male dominance what is, Al?

When the real Rev officiating at the royal wedding asked for objections, Rev? Al Not-so-sharp-ton should have pulled the cultural appropriation card to stop what is clearly a sham marriage for the bride to gain English citizenship.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

The deep state has had more leaks than Das Boot. The DOJ, FBI, and CIA can't secure a bike lock right now. That reminds me of the game hot potato. No one wants to get caught holding the potato. The show Cops also comes to mind. "Well this stolen car you are driving is 10 kilos of cocaine, 5 illegal guns, and 2 dead bodies. What do you have to say?". "It's not my car officer. It belongs to my passenger." The leaks and hot potatoes are coming fast.