Monday, May 07, 2018

PDJT just keeps on carrying on

Watching PDJT run the country is like watching a guy run the high hurdles while juggling bowling balls, and somehow, either by his own athletic prowess or the feebleness of the competition, winning the race - spectacularly.  

The country is doing very well.  How do I know?  Well PDJT tweeted it, so there.  But also The Empty Suit is trying to take credit for it.  YGBSM!  No.  I’m not.  Valarie Jarett the 5 Sunday show Benghazi liar said so. PDJT is tell us life is good and TES is telling us the good news is due to his policies finally kicking in after nearly 10 years*. How can anyone deny things are good when both PDJT and TES are telling us that it is and taking credit for it? 

Aside:  TES taking credit for the good news, is like the Chicago Bears taking credit for Green Bay Packer QB Aaron Rogers’ success in the NFL. Mind boggling.

Consider the economy, taxes, black-brown-white unemployment, ISIS’ drubbing, Russian smack down, NATO paying up, deregulation, energy independence, Israeli embassy move, trade, North Korea and soon Iran, etc. etc. etc.

Now consider the obstacles, hurdles if you will, the Demo-Dopes, the MSM, Hollywood and half of the Republican Party.  Every morning they get up and pound on PDJT relentlessly.  It has gone on since Nov 9, 2016. Every morning PDJT gets up and accurately tweets that they are all azzbags and America is great again.  He’s like the energizer bunny that just goes on about his business.  And things seem to work out for him.

Now consider that while clearing the hurdles, PDJT has to juggle Stormy, Mueller, fake news, a clueless Attorney General, a hostile Deputy Attorney General and lazy feckless congress.

And yet somehow it seems we’re in better shape than the Bush I era. How is that possible?  PDJT is taking a drubbing worse than Nixon in the press.  Seemingly, he has not one ally in Caligula, D.C. and yet he just keeps going and going and going and going…

The next big thing is the Iran deal or rather the sh*tcanning of the Iran deal.  Cambodian War Hero Johnny I fell off my bike Kerry is breaking the law to try to salvage the BS deal.  All the same people who warned us PDJT would get us into nuclear war with N Korea are now warning us he’ll do the same with Iran. Europeans have already been bent by PDJT to see that the deal – at a minimum – needs to be amended.  The Iranians are blustering.  Trying to out bluster PDJT?  Good luck with that.   

After Iran will be the N Korea summit.  If PDJT gets nothing more than the three political prisoners released, it’ll be a uuuge success.  He’s likely to get much more.  When he does, the MSM will be covering Stormy Daniels’ new WWE contract 24-7.

The wild card – and take this to the bank – will be the Sep budget battle.  PDJT has threatened to close the government if the wall is not funded. That’ll be PDJT Vs Caligula, D.C. Americans HATE Caligula, D.C. and the swamp dwellers who occupy it.  PDJT shutting it down could be enough to turn the “blue wave” into a red tsunami.  PDJT has a sixth sense about these things.  As always, Republicans would be smart to ride the Trump tiger leading up to the September battle. 

Today’s JG rant
Re Larry Reynard’s letter “Students must follow up on passion of the moment” May 2, 2018

The steady beat of anti-Second Amendment letters printed in JG gets dumber by the day.  Be careful.  By November everyone might figure out how totally asinine the standard gun grabber’s bovine excrement arguments are.

Larry Reynard deigned the AR-15 a “weapon of mass destruction.”  Was it hyperbole, or just plain ignorance?  Given the state of public education and the totally unhinged nature Liberals these days, it’s difficult to tell.

Reynard might consider a truck a weapon of mass destruction.  In 2016, 84 people were killed by one in Nice, France.  Are we to ban rental trucks?  We all know what happens when lunatics take over or are purposefully put behind the controls of an airliner.  Is 737 a weapon of mass destruction?  Should it be banned?   Are everyday items like pressure cookers weapons of mass destruction because hateful people figure out how to use them to harm a large group of innocents?  Should they be banned? 

My guess is that just about everything from fertilizer to aerosol cans have the potential to become weapons of mass destruction in the hands of the wrong people.  Most all of them are harmless - even useful tools in the hands of law abiding citizens. So it is with guns.

Reynard goes on to make the foolish argument that the AR platform was “developed with intent only to maim.”  Rubbish.  The AR was originally designed in the 1950s for civilian use.  The AR platform was later adopted by the military because it was shorter and lighter, had a higher magazine capacity, higher rate of fire and less recoil thereby enhancing accuracy over the M14 which it replaced. 

Reynard’s argument that the AR was adopted by the military “only to maim” is so silly even the public school kids are not fooled by it.

Students must follow upon passion of the moment
For all those naïve but bold young people who protested last month for gun control, I feel both compassion and remorse. When they find out to what extent the general public and elected officials no longer deem it necessary to respond to their concerns, they will feel as if they had been abandoned and lied to like no other.
But just what is it they and others are hoping for? They are pleading for a ban on just one obnoxious rifle, the AR 15. This gun carries with it several dirty little secrets that most people aren't even aware of.
First off, it can't be used to hunt deer in Indiana because the ammunition it uses is not powerful enough to kill that animal outright.
Which leads me to the second secret: Why would our military issue a weapon that is dangerously underpowered for combat? Make no mistake about it, the AR 15 can kill outright if the most vital organs are hit, but in combat this doesn't always happen.
With this possibility in mind, it was allegedly developed with the intent to only maim the enemy, causing that person to die a slow and agonizing death. The ultimate goal was to inflict an atmosphere of demoralization on the enemy. But alas we now know this strategy fell short of affecting the outcome of the Vietnam War in our favor.
Sadly, we are now hopelessly left with a weapon that was meant to kill an enemy in a faraway place, but instead is being used to kill the present-day generation of our youth. Still, in spite of all its flaws and shortcomings, the AR 15 can be easily smuggled into any classroom, night club or hotel, and for that reason has become the consummate choice as a weapon of mass destruction.
But in the early 1940s our government, acting in concert with the then-leaders of the NRA, passed a limited ban on the now-infamous Tommy gun. Level heads prevailed back then, but because the situation is more dire than ever, this makes it even more imperative that level heads prevail once again.
Having said all that, it's now up to the next generation to go to the voting booths and kick butt. But if the system still proves to be as obstinate as ever, then don't be surprised if bad things keep on happening in America.
Larry N. Reynard
Fort Wayne

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