Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Things that you cannot say for a thousand Alex

She compared Val Jarrett to the Planet of the Apes characters and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Who is Rosanne Barr?

What was she thinkin’?  She wasn’t.  Rosanne Barr tweeted Valarie Jarrett is a result of combining the Muslim Brotherhood with the Planet of the Apes.  I understand that you cannot compare people with apes or monkeys, particularly people of color.  That’s an absolute truism if you’re a conservative or even a leftist slightly out of step with the lunatic wing of the leftist mob.

But - Erin Burnett can call President GWB a little monkey, apologize and move on.  After all she’s a loyal leftist.  The religion of peace can call the entire race of Jews moneys, apes, pigs, dogs, etc. etc. and yet they remain the darlings of the left.

So as always right thinking people condemn the left leaning but PDJT supporting Rosanne and the Left, as always, let loose the dogs, tracked down and hanged one of their own who escaped the Dope plantation. Kanye West is one misdeed, misstep from getting the Rosanne treatment.

It’s a fool’s errand to bitch about the Left’s double standard in everything.  It seems to me there’s more obvious “lefty lib privilege” in this country than the so called white privilege the lefties are always complaining about.

Leftist need to check their privilege and subject themselves to the same standards they try to impose on the rest of us. 

Random questions.

Is the Planet of the Apes franchise inherently racist? 

If not, why is any reference to people of color and the Planet of the Apes immediately deemed racist?

If it is inherently racist, why did Hollywood make and continue make & remake the series?

Can a right leaning figure ever apologize and have that apology be accepted?

Did ABC take the first opportunity to dump Rosanne because the show didn’t toe the company’s political line?

Why is the left blaming PDJT for Rosanne’s ill considerd tweet?

If Jimmy the fib clap Clapper really thinks the Russians swung election for PDJT, why aren’t he, Brennan, Comey, The Empty Suit, Val Jarrett, Sue Rice et al being hung out to dry for letting it happen on their watch?

Shouldn’t the MSM be all over these figures hacking them mercilessly for their incompetence that led the way to PDJT?

Is the MSM not going after TES’s administration’s failure in this regard the dog that isn’t barking with respect to clap Clapper’s BS claim?

Who is right, Jimmy the fib who believes the election was swung by Russians or TES who said it was impossible to manipulate a presidential election?

Why doesn’t the NBA cancel next year’s season and go straight to a best of 101 game playoff series between Cleveland and Golden State.

The world wonders.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Progressives/Liberals must be victims. Otherwise they would be conservatives.