Friday, February 08, 2019

AOC/Green New Deal proving Lex to be correct

In a post somewhere under, Lex predicts that PDJT will win reelection in 2020 because whacko Dopes like AOC will drive the party so far left that the only Dopes remaining in good standing will be fellow whackos. The left’s Green New Deal is proof positive. 

Before reading the steaming pile dung, rent a whore Kamala Harris, Heap Big Chief Lying sh*t Lizzy Warren, prom queen Gillibrand and bald headed boob Farticus Booker all came out in support of this craziness.

Here’s one.  The GND says it will eliminate the use of all fossil fuels in a decade.  There are a 100 logical responses to this.  One that I have not heard is, what is the average home going to use to cook meals?  That’s about as basic as gets.  What the heck are mom and dad America to do at dinner time – eat their kale and arugula raw like a goat? Wood burning stoves – what?

Then there’s the high speed rail will replace air travel canard.  BS.  Where are these high speed rails to be built?  The environmental whackos will oppose every rail of the construction.  Built in 10 years?  They won’t get out of district court for laying the first rail in ten years.

What is going to power these trains?  They cannot run on diesel, coal or nuclear power.  So what makes the train’s wheels go round and round?  The smug answer is - “wind and solar obviously.”  How?  “Well, it just is.  That’s how” is the only answer.  It is so stupid it defies description.

The Iowa Hawk summed the Green New Deal noting AOC’s extensive experience as a bartender:  “If you can mix a mai tai, you can redesign the laws of economics and physics.”  Except for the fact that she cannot.    

Also consider the Dopes’ continued race toward 4th trimester abortion (infanticide) in NM and VT.  This extreme position breaks about 80-20 in favor of babies – PDJT’s position.  Dopes have to satisfy the extreme position.  This why there can be no compromise with Dopes.  If you oppose killing a baby AFTER it is born the Dopes equate it to turning the clock back to back ally abortions. Every Dope candidate is going to defend the grotesque, Dr. Mengele like practice of late term abortion It has gotten to the point if the those candidates oppose a Dr. picking a baby born alive after a failed abortion by the feet and bashing its head on the floor, they will risk a backlash from the likes of Bette she don’t know sh*t Midler.  

Health update
I survived the third infusion!  Hooray.  The twin scourges of fatigue and nausea seem to be lingering a bit longer than the previous infusions, but are manageable.

I am supposed to reach peak chemo in my system after the fourth infusion and will know what the way forward will be like.  Right now, it’s 4-5 down days followed by steady improvement.  I can live with arrangement through Aug when this treatment is expected to end.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Welcome back Lex. Not long ago Amazon Prime was explained to me by several under 30 year olds. AP will deliver toilet paper. A light bulb. A toothbrush. And America has a big shortage of truck drivers. Pilots too. The GND is a scam of course. They will tell how others to live but don't mess with having toilet paper delivered to their door. That would be way too much for them.