Monday, February 18, 2019

PDJT wins any way the challenge to his emergency declaration goes

The Demo-Dopes, MSM, 98% of Hollywood swells and 100% of Rat establishment Republican surrender monkeys are in high dudgeon over PDJT’s declaration of a national emergency over the untenable situation on our southern border.  Lex shares Victor Davis Hanson’s view that it’s all virtue signaling faux outrage.  Had PDJT signed the bogus BS border bill and just issued a statement - immediately after destroying the pen used to sign the abomination - along the lines, “Okay that’s that.  That was your congress’s pathetic attempt to protect the American people. It’s total BS. Now I have a pen and a phone, and I’m going to use them to get the wall built using funds available to me” everything would have been fine.

But okay that ship has sailed, or more accurately was torpedoed at the pier.  So what do the Dopes do?  While PDJT uses the emergency power to ensure the safety and security of the American people, Dopes are vowing to use emergency power to punish the American people.  Dopes warn that they will use the power to snatch guns – a constitutionally protected right – or impose onerous level of taxation on Americans to pay for the “climate change” hoax or to nationalize the American healthcare system, the production and sale of energy and anything else that they can use to place the American people firmly under the thumb of the Caligula, D.C. ruling class azzwipes.

So there’s the difference.  PDJT wants to protect America. The Dopes are vowing to the emergency power to punish us.  That’s all you really need to know about the 2020 election.

Now one things we can all be sure of is that ReR surrender monkeys will continue to do their best to sink PDJT’s presidency. Like Wiley E. Coyote they will fail spectacularly. PDJT is in a win, win, win cannot lose situation.  If congress shots the emergency declaration down – PDJT will have done everything in his power to get the job done and was overruled by Caligula, D.C. azzclowns and has the issue (among others) to bludgeon the Dopes in 2020.  If the declaration survives congress and is shot down by the Supreme Court – it is the exact same outcome. If the declaration survives both, the wall gets built and PDJT get to run on another promise kept.  Win, win, win.

Here’s some unsolicited advice.  PDJT needs to appoint someone like Chris Christie to be the face of the effort to build the wall.  Christie should be seen at the border with Border Patrol and local sheriffs to explain why the wall is being constructed in certain locations.  A weekly report should be issued on amount of wall built.  The amount of wall under construction.  The amount of land secured and prepped for construction.  The amount of land stuck in litigation and who the azzwipes are opposing the construction. 

PDJT needs to find a new tough face to lead this issue.

The New, New Republican Party - the party of Weld and Powell
Like Colin Powell, Bill Weld endorsed Barry The Empty Suit and Shrillda the Hutt  for president supposedly their "own party's candidate."  Now Weld wants to run a primary race against PDJT.  Hmm.  This is a guy who obviously has disdain for the party’s nomination process, but is nonetheless now seeking the nomination.  I don’t know how these people get up in the morning and get through the day without their heads exploding from all of the cognitive dissonances that has to be crowding their small craniums. 

Jussie Smollett
Smollett is in serious trouble. I don’t have a clue what really happened that night in Chicago, but I know Smollett has big problems. Here’s how I know:  All of the Hollywood swells and the Dope azzbags who rushed to judgment, a la the Covington kids, demanded “Justice for Jussie!!!”  Now that Jussie faces three years in the big house for fabricating a fake “hate crime*,” the “justice for Jussie” crowd is suddenly quiet as the Meatchicken crowd after The OSU’s Even Turner sunk a 45 foot game winner with no time on the clock.  The Meatchickeners just stood there for minutes with mouths agape in disbelief like stunned mullets.  If “Justice for Jussie” was good enough 4 weeks ago, it’s good enough now.  Lock him up.

*Note:  “Hate crime”?  A crime is a crime. 

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