Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Korean summit: No success, no matter how great or small, will be enough for the Dopes and the MSM

PDJT is in Vietnam negotiating the denuking of the Korean peninsula.  If that is not achieved in the first 5 minutes with the additional news PDJT had discovered a cure for cancer, Dopes and their MSM acolytes will declare the summit a colossal failure. 

There are couple of themes percolating in MSM reports of the summit.  One is that, while the summit convenes, N Korea continues its march toward its ability to deliver intercontinental nukes - that no progress has been made toward N Korea’s denuclearization. 

That is undeniably true.  What is also undeniably true is that those things would be going on whether or not the summit took place.  So, is it better to be sitting with Kim talking about denuclearization or still sitting on the hair trigger of a massive regional war as we were a year ago? That’s not rhetorical Dopes.  Answer the question.

“But Lex, you’ve already admitted that if Barry The Empty Suit had ever engaged in such diplomacy you’d have labeled him a treasonous bastard.”  Using TES’s negotiating skills a la Iran, yes it’s true, I would have, but only because TES would be pursing the negotiations as the anti-American treasonous bastard that he is. He’d be paying the N Koreans off, apologizing for America’s power and strength and doing everything in his power to negate that power and strength.  He’s a creepy little man who has no business speaking for America on any issue. 

PDJT is an America first zealot who will move the ball on N Korea only if it favors America.  That’s the difference. Okay that said, I have no idea what is going to come out of this thing.  My hope is that PDJT is an America first zealot who will move the ball only if it favors America.  Did I say that? 

The second warmed over bit of BS being served up by the F-Trump Dopes and their MSM army of peddlers of fake news is that PDJT cannot meet with Kim because of Kim's deplorable record of human rights abuses.  This is total BS on so many levels – where to begin? 

So lil’ Barry The Empty Suit, a know-nothing sh*t stick, can dump billions of dollars – IN CASH – on a tarmac in Tehran for the mullahs to continue their terror war on the west while killing homosexuals, oppressing women and imprisoning anyone who deviates one mil from the approved state line on politics or religion with not so much as word from the Dopes and the MSM, but PDJT leveling the N Korean economy with sanctions to bring about a change in nuke testing is an idiot for talking to Kim.  Yeah, that's a run-on sentence - fix it yourself. 

Then there’s this.  The Dopes and MSM azzwipes are about “human rights” when PDJT travels to Vietnam to talk to Kim.  Here’s what every single Republican should be saying when this comes up.  “Human right?  Really?  You want to go there?  YGBSM.  I won’t even bring up the waste of flesh TES’s BS deal with Iran.  Where were you on that?  Human rights?  You twofaced POS.  Where were your precious ‘human rights’ when your party voted last week to kill babies born alive after a failed abortion?  Your party is the party of murdering babied born alive – outside the mother’s womb – right here in the United States of America, and you’re going to lecture us about ‘human rights’?  Go to hell.  Seriously, just go to hell.  Your party is exactly the same – no worse – than the N Koreans on human rights.  ‘Human rights’ pfft, just STFU.”

My guess is that the MSM will try to hide any success in Vietnam under Cohen’s lying testimony.

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