Friday, February 01, 2019

Demo-Dope purity tests sure to reelect PDJT

Scores of the thousand or so Demo-Dope candidates are offering up pre-apologies for their past positions on key social issues.  Tulsi Gabbard and the always flexible Kirsten Gillibrand have tripped over themselves to make clear that they were despicable people for holding the exact same view as Shrillda the Hutt, Barry The Empty Suit, Slow Joe Biden et al on social issues such as homosexual marriage before the 2008 election. 

Republicans know that apologies never work.  The first apology only serves to tee up the second, which only serves to tee up the third (repeat in perpetuity).  Will Dopes forgive another Dope?  Idunno.  Probably depends on who the Dope is. These fifth and sixth tier candidates like Gabbard and Gillibrand are unlikely to garner any sympathy.  If Beto or Robert or Robby or Bob or Bobby O’Rourke has a slip of the tongue, the Internet will cleansed of the F-up and he’ll probably be forgiven.

But thee left has mysteriously begun to consume their own.  Ask Maroon 5, the singer Pink’s husband or iconic lefty lib Howard Schultz. Maroon 5 (cannot name one of their songs) is being zinged for performing at the Super Bowl rather than ditching it in support of washed up flash in the pan ex-QB Colin Kaepernick.  WTF.  The guy hasn’t played in three years. In his last two years in the league he was known for two things: 1) turning the ball over when the game was on the line 2) disrupting the team’s locker room.

Pink’s old man is being savage for teaching his daughter gun safety.  YGBSM.  No.  It’s true. The left is forever telling us how dangerous guns are – and they are dangerous – but they don’t want anyone teaching kids gun safety.  Lex has long advocated for mandatory gun safety classes K-12 in the schools. Idiots oppose this “common sense gun safety” law.

Howard Shultz, heretofore a reliable lib, is being pummeled by lefty for having the temerity of considering a third party run for president. Though thoroughly liberal, Schultz knows he has too much common sense to win the Dope nomination. He has an understanding of economics and knows the current Dope clown menagerie’s policy of free everything for everyone will lead to the ruination of the country.

That’s the problem with the Dope’s current purity purge.  It’s going to lead to the nomination of an unelectable extreme candidate advocating for extreme policies which will include:

A top marginal income tax rate of between 70-90%
An unconstitutional “wealth tax”
Free college education
Medicare for all
Open borders
Abolishing ICE
Nationalizing everything – healthcare, education, energy
Some BS called a Green New Deal*
Embracing late term/early life (or what Rush refers to as 4th trimester) abortion
*NOTE:  The first New Deal prolonged the great depression and let the Socialist camel’s nose under America’s tent.  Do we really need another New Deal designed for one purpose – wealth redistribution?

That’s why PDJT is going win. To win the nomination the Dope candidate is going to have to not only embrace that entire steaming pile of BS, they are going to have wallow in it for two F-ing years.  When they do the stench will stick to them through the general election.

Who’s going to be the Dope nominee?  Idunno. My guess is that it won’t be Willie Brown’s call girl Kamala Whoress. The worst possible position is to be the “front runner” 2 years out.  My guess is that the MSM will get together and decide who they want to the nominee.  Sorry slow Joe, white men need not apply.

Super Bowl
Gotta go with Belichick in a close one.  Another OT?
Keys:  1) Protect Brady 2) Stop the run   
Score: Pats win 34-30         

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