Tuesday, February 05, 2019


Note:  I get round three of my chemo treatment today.  So I may not see you again until Fri, maybe Mon.

Lex's notes for PDJT.

John Lewis and Hank Johnson have indicated that they will boycott PDJT’s SOTU.  That will insure that the average IQ in the room will increase by at least a few points.  Rumor is that John and Hank are going to have a best two-out-of-three tic-tack-toe match during the SOTU. Given that the SOTU union generally lasts less than two hours, they’ll probably be in the middle of game three when PDJT arrives back at the White House after his speech.

The incoherent response
The Demo Dope response is going to be derived by tax cheat and failed GA gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.  I’m fairly certain that, like all Dope arguments these days, the response will be long on race baiting, support for socialist free everything and other identity politics designed to divide and short on any ideas that might unify the country.

I’d like to see PDJT ask, “Will the Dopes who support NY state’s law making infanticide legal and racist VA gov Northam’s call for murder of children born alive please stand.” The Dope party is an evil party of death.  PDJT should make that clear tonight.

Declaring an emergency
Don’t do it.  I’d like to see him contrast Barry The Empty Suit sending pallets of unappropriated cash to the mullahs in Iran to his plan to redirect appropriated funds to border security.  Then ask why Dopes support sending billions to America’s enemies but will not support funding for border security.

The wall
This is such a target rich environment.  Start by noting the wall of security surrounding the Capitol Building. Note all the prominent Dopes who have walls surrounding their homes and businesses.  Note all the countries around the world that have walls.  Ask Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser, “If walls are ‘immoral’ will ask the Pope to tear down the wall surrounding Vatican City?  If walls are immoral will you as all your liberal friends to tear down the walls around their homes and businesses?  If walls are immoral will you supply funds to tear down the walls in San Diego and relocate them to AZ?”

I'd call out the committee that is supposed to come up with the magic bipartisan solution for keeping the government open but has only met once since PDJT reopened the government.  WTF?  Shouldn't they be day on stay on until until they come up with something?

Immigration reform
Go big.  Lay out a call for merit based immigration, an end to chain migration, birth right citizenship, catch and release and the current asylum mess.  Offer up a generous DACA solution in exchange for wall funding.*

*Note:  Look no one going to throw those “kids” out unless they are criminals. Get something in exchange for a fix that you are going to have to accept in the end anyway.

Race relations
PDJT should lay out the case using the facts in Lex’s JG rant below. He should point to a booming economy and black unemployment and ask the question he asked during the campaign, “What the hell do you have to lose” by voting Republican.

Super Bowl follow up
I keep reading how boring the game was.  Hmmm.  I saw two titans in an epic defensive battle.  For most the game the outcome literally hung on every play.  That’s exciting.  Two great coaches and teams given two weeks to prepare resulted in what years ago would have been regarded as a well-played, coached and officiated game. What more do people want?       

Today’s JG rant
RE: Chester Baran’s letter, “America little advanced toward King’s vision,” of Feb 2, 2019

To the extent that America is “little advanced toward King’s vision” the blame can be laid squarely at the feet of a Democrat Party that supported or turned a blind eye toward members who:

Fomented a Civil War to protect slavery.
Opposed reconstruction after that war.
Opposed the 14th and 15th Amendments.
Founded the KKK.
Conducted 99% of lynchings.
Turned fire hoses and dogs loose on civil rights marchers.
Stood in school doors to block integration.
Opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Support race baiting anti-Semitic bigots to this very day.

With regard to America’s use of its military, Nixon ended the Vietnam War and PDJT is unwinding our endless wars in the Middle East.

The lesson appears to be: If you want to end racism and unending wars, vote Republican.

America little advanced toward King's vision
In his “I Have a Dream” speech, Martin Luther King impeached America's commitment to freedom and equality for all. He asserted that a century had passed since emancipation yet the Negro was not free; he still was the victim of discrimination; his educational and employment opportunities were blunted; and he was exiled to the squalid ghettoes of inner cities or to the tenant farms of the South. King called for the end of gradualism and demanded immediate action.
Fifty years have passed since this plea, but blacks still languish as second-class citizens. They still recognize a need to affirm their personhood with declarations of “I am somebody” in response to racial prejudice. Arguably, the only change over these years has been that Jim Crow has been displaced by mass incarceration.
In his “Beyond Vietnam” speech, King condemned the devastation America's military forces were inflicting upon the people of Vietnam. He appealed to America's conscience to examine the morality of the bullets, bombs, herbicides and napalm it was raining upon the people of that small nation. He demanded that we look beyond Vietnam and look to resolve the paradox of our foreign policy using war to accomplish peace.
Fifty years have passed since that speech, and military might remains our method of imposing our will or protecting our interests. The only change is that we have added drones, the mother of all bombs and torture to our arsenal and, to assuage our consciences about our constant warring, recast our fighting men as latter-day knights of the round table defending our sacred values and ideals. We have been conditioned to thank them for their service.
America, convinced of its righteousness, takes the occasion each year to recollect the prophetic words of King, but it has no intention of fulfilling them.
Chester Baran
Fort Wayne

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