Wednesday, February 13, 2019

PDJT should use power as Commander in Chief to secure

PDJT should accept the 1.375 billion for wall construction, if, if, if the bill POS turncoat bastard Richard the dick Shelby laid at his feet passes both houses and contains no other BS poison pills.

There's an old adage in the USMC, when in command - command.  PDJT needs to command on this issue.  He should immediately militarize the southern border. Send as many troops as required to string razor wire at the other locations where the Border Patrol says that fencing is required.  Inform congress the troop are staying until a proper barrier is constructed. 

I think that approach will work and avoid legal challenge.  How can Dopes sue the Commander in Chief for commanding and deploying HIS forces? 

I’ve read several times on the Interweb that Dopes are railing against the use of razor wire on the border because, get this, it’s ugly and dangerous.  Wow. Who knew Dopes could succinctly summarize anything so accurately. Hell yeah, it’s ugly. Hell yeah, anyone who has been caught in it knows it’s dangerous.  IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE UGLY. IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE DANGEROUS. 

I don’t know how many nicks I got and good pairs of Cammie trousers and blouses I ruined trying to carefully navigate that troublesome stuff. 

But hey progress!  Well done Dopes!  Finally, there is something Dopes can get their small minds around.   NEWS FLASH from the DNC!  Razor wire is ugly and dangerous.

Here’s another way for PDJT to get the bucks for the wall.  I heard from Mark Theissen on Fox News that come December, there will be an automatic sequester of 55 billion in domestic spending and 71 billion in defense spending if a budget agreement is not reached. PDJT could hold the sequester over the Dopes' head to get th rest of the money for the wall.  55 billion for 4.3 billion. Make them that offer and see if they can refuse.  

Here’s the rub.  As with everything in Caligula, D.C. nothing happens quickly.  The sequester wouldn't kick in until 2020.  Hmm, what happens in 2020? Oh yeah an election. Is this a god issue to run on in 2020?  It is to me, but what do I know?

Here’s the last thing.  When the Dopes gloat that PDJT caved, the obvious response is the Dopes caved 1.375 billion times minus one.  Grad Nan from San Fran Peloser said she’d give one dollar for the wall. Now it’s up to 1,375 billion.  Pocket the money.  Move on. 

Last, last thing, PDJT needs to call out the backstabbing, gutless, weasels (that’s you Richard the dick Shelby) in his own party on this.

Today's JG rant
George Will once noted, “When a politician on a subject implicating science, hard science, economic science, social science says ‘the debate is over,’" a la AlGore on climate change, “you may be sure of two things. The debate is raging and he's losing it.” So it is with Bill Bruening’s nonsense on abortion, “Abortion debate in need of fresh talking points,” JG letter of Feb 13, 2019.

As the Democrat Party advocates for the killing of a baby, literally at the very last minute prior to live birth, and the lying, idiot, racist, “doctor” (from the Dr. Mengele school of medicine I suppose) VA governor* advocates for 4th trimester “abortion” (AKA murder), Bruening wants to change the conversation to baseball.  After all, he reasons, you cannot change people’s minds about infanticide. He’s right.  We know it’s a grotesque abomination.

Now as the mask slips from Democrat baby killer’s face, and as science through ultra sound and prenatal surgeries closes in on making an ironclad case that, “yes, it’s a baby,” Bruening wants to shift the discussion to the finer points of the designated hitter and the saber metrics of taking the first pitch and stealing bases.

Bruening’s letter proves two things.  The debate on abortion is raging and his side is losing it.

*Yeah, Ralph Northam is a lying, idiot and racist.  The way I know this is because I am absolutely certain of two things.  One:  I never wore blackface or a KKK uniform.  Two:  If someone said they had a photo of me doing either my reaction would be to call them a damnable liar not apologize for what I would have known to be a fake photo.

Abortion debate in need of fresh talking points
“This is déjà vu all over again” – or something like that. Yogi Berra never said anything about abortion, but the current flurry of discussion of abortion regarding the governor of Virginia and others reminds me of Yogi. It is the same diatribes from all sides of the issue. Nothing new is said. No new insights make the “correct” answer suddenly appear. Why is that?
I have a few suggestions about the abortion controversy. Let us call a truce or at least commit ourselves to respect those who disagree with the position we accept as nearly trivially true. I have never made a decision either for or against having an abortion, and I never will. Being male means I cannot be faced with that issue for myself.
I know people who have faced that issue. I am not in a position to judge their decision, and I never will be. I spent my entire professional career teaching ethics at IPFW. I doubt that anyone who took my class changed her mind about the abortion issue. It was never my job to convince anyone that I knew the correct answer. I have read Roe vs. Wade too many times to count. I can rehash the arguments offered for/against abortion. I can almost quote Roe at will.
I know of a person who cautioned us against throwing the first stone. Of course, he never played baseball. I leave it to the reader to decide whether he was correct. My suggestion is only that we put the stones down at least for now.
Spring training is just around the corner; Major League Baseball is played only by men. Recall Yogi saying that baseball was 90 percent mental and the other half was physical. Each of us makes decisions based on principle, and we all must live with our decisions. Some think baseball is very boring. I never found it boring.
I am bored by the abortion discussion; I am not saying the issue is trivial. I am saying that until we have some different arguments and until we tone down the rhetoric, I would prefer to watch the Cubs on TV.
Bill Bruening
Fort Wayne

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