Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Topics of the day

Rat establishment Republicans perform as expected
What a bunch caving, spineless, gutless, pathetic, pandering, anti-American, scum sucking weasels!  Every ReR that signed on to this POS bill ought to be kicked to the curb as soon as possible. They need to be primaried. If they win the primary, a third party candidate needs to run against them. If they win the general, they need to face recalls.  In particular AL senator - former Demo-Dope and apparently born again Dope - Richard the dick Shelby needs to be saddled with this POS.

Shelby is, what, 185 years old and has been sucking off the teat of Caligula, D.C. for decades.  He’s every bit the azz sucking weasel as Chuckles the weeping clown Schumer.  He’s worthless.  This bill proves it. Send the Dope in Republican clothing packing.

PDJT needs to veto this POS. He needs to call out the azz weasels in his own party in the process.  Sign a one week CR.  If the bill is not fixed, declare an emergency.  Demand an immediate hearing at the Supreme Court to subvert the lawless 9th Circus Court’s stay.

A less confrontational approach is to pocket the pathetic crumbs traitors in his own party – Richard the dick Shelby - have offered up.  Augment it immediately with funds from other departments.  When the 9th Circus issues the predictable stay – ignore it.  Force the issue to the Supreme Court.

In the post under, Lex noted the problem PDJT has had to endure from the very start of his presidency is coming primarily from the cowards in his own party.  He needs to name names.  Hang this POS around Shelby’s bloated neck.  That would send a strong message to ReRs that PDJT knows who and what they are – weasels – every damn one of them.

As the old meme goes, PDJT saying, “They aren’t after me.  They are after you.  I’m the only thing standing in their way.”   Ride the Trump tiger.  

Dueling rallies – well not really
Robert, Bobby, Bob, Robby, Rob, or somehow Beto O’Rourke booking a rally to compete with PDJT’s rally in El Paso, TX is like a high school garage band staging a show in the parking lot to compete with the Rolling Stones at Jerry Jones’ AT&T Stadium.  It just looks stupid and petty.

Bobby shows up in his hometown and draws a crowd that could be held in a local coffee shop. Across town, PDJT drew 10s of thousands.  Well Lex, it is TX.  Yeah, so why look like D-bag holding pathetic rally that was supposed to “rival” PDJT’s rally but ends up making you look like a loser?  Well to be fair, he is a loser.  Remember, he did get beat by Ted Cruz.       
So this is the second time in a month the Dopes have put a loser front and center to represent a party of losers. Earlier, Stacey I don’t need to pay no stinkin’ taxes, Abrams gave the Dope response to the SOTU address.  Why celebrate losers?  Well first, and don’t underestimate this, Dopes know the MSM will run top cover for the losers.  They heap great praise on the losers no matter what.  So they know they can control the public narrative in the news cycle.

When the writing on the wall became clear, that PDJT would squash lil’ Bobby’s rally like a bug, I half expected Bobby to approach PDJT about merging the two rallies a la Kramer caving to Newman and going in on the “Newmannium” 1999 millennium New Year’s Eve party.

Bezos vs. The Enquirer
Beautiful!! Two scumbags beating the hell out of each other.  I hope it is drags out for 5 years. It is hilarious that Enquirer guy’s last name is “Pecker” and the dispute is about dic pics.  That is the kind of stuff that would only shows up in the Onion.  But, here we are.

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