Thursday, February 14, 2019

Ask for a CR and send the border bill back for rewrite

I think that PDJT should find something in the 1,159 pages of mashed up gobooldygook in the border bill to send it back to congress for rewrite.  My guess is that this POS bill laden with a ton pork projects and probably a couple of hundred things that have nothing whatsoever to do with border security.

PDJT should find the most absurd examples, point them out publicly, ask for 10 day CR to get the bill cleaned up and send it back to congress. He could go further and ask for a bill of no more than 250 pages that deals exclusively with the crisis at hand and demand that the other garbage be taken up during the normal appropriation process. 

This could put PDJT in the driver’s seat looking like the reasonable adult watching out for American taxpayer interests.  That would force Dopes and Rat establishment Republicans like Richard the dick Shelby in the unenviable position of defending the pork and idiocy contained in the current BS bill.     

Demand a CR until the bill is cleaned up.

CA’s grand grifter: Gov. Gavin Newsome
While whacked out Dopes see high speed rail as the future of American mass transportation, the CA high speed rail project has run into reality – it can’t be done.

That’s right Mr. & Mrs. America, while Dope are tripping all over themselves in rush to support half-wit AOC’s unworkable Green New Deal, CA Gov. Gavin Newsome has thrown in the towel on green mass transportation.  Ladies and gentlemen - that’s progress.  The green weenies haven’t shown up – yet – demanding Newsome be burned at the stake for green weenie heresy.    

The fed government under Barry The Empty Suit gave over 3 billion dollars in federal funds to BS project.  PDJT wants the federal money back.  CA’s grand grifter Newsome says he doesn’t want to give the money back ”to PDJT.”  Hey Gavin, it’s not PDJT’s money.  It belongs to the American people, you thieving D-bag.

You gotta love the Dopes.  Most people look at CA as a once great state that has been run into the ground by decades of failed Dope policies that have led to a state in crisis littered alternately with feces and homeless.  This issue is going to break about 80-20 in PDJT’s favor.  He should keep it front and center for as long as possible. 

Today’s JG rant
In 1962 Pete Bowers won an Experimental Aircraft Association contest to design a home built aircraft that could be constructed and stored in a single car home garage and using only common tools. Since 1962 Bowers’ design, dubbed the “Fly Baby,” has been completed by over 500 experimental aircraft builders.

The Fly Baby has an excellent safety record.  As of 2012 there have been only 14 accidents involving structural issues. In those cases it seems the builder, thinking he better understood the Fly Baby’s design than Pete Bowers, messed with the plans.

So it is with Nate Grabner and others who want to tinker with the plans – the US Constitution - that have been the foundation for the most successful country in the history of the world.  Given the state of American public education, I wouldn’t trust that anyone under the age of 60 has even an inkling of how the Electoral College works or why it’s necessary.

It’s not a red state versus blue state question.  If Grabner studied a map of counties across the country that tend to vote red and those that tend vote blue the answer would jump out him. 

If you share the baby killing socialist values of NY, City you probably want to abolish the Electoral College.  If you believe in classic liberalism – free men and free markets – you probably understand the genius of the founders.

It’s worth noting that the founders were wary of the tyranny of the majority.  That is why America was founded as a republic.  The Electoral College is a key component of that founding.

Like the Fly Baby builders who tinkered with Pete Bowers’ design thinking that they had a better understanding of the aircraft than the designer, Americans should be very suspicious of know-nothings fiddling around with the constitution lest the wings of this proven design come flying off in mid-flight.

Plan puts more weight behind Hoosiers' votes
It's no secret that Indiana is a reliably red state. Under the current system, that almost guarantees that each of our 11 electoral votes will go to the Republican in a presidential race in the same way that New York and California are almost guaranteed to give all of their votes to the Democrat. This leaves a system where candidates only campaign in swing states and the voters in minority parties (like Republicans in Illinois or Democrats here in Indiana) are essentially voting for nothing in presidential elections.
It also means that, in certain situations, a minority of voters in certain states can decide the presidency despite the majority of Americans voting otherwise. In 2016, Hillary Clinton won 3 million more votes yet lost the presidency. In 2004, George W. Bush won the popular vote by a similar margin, yet only 54,000 votes in Ohio would have handed the presidency to John Kerry.
So much for one person, one vote.
There is a bill in the Senate that proposes Indiana join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Once 270 electoral votes' worth of states sign on (enough to decide an election), those states automatically pledge their electoral votes to the winner of the national vote rather than the winner of each of their individual states. The compact has already been passed by 11 states representing 172 electoral votes, with Indiana being one of 11 others considering it. Let's make sure our votes as Hoosiers count, not just the votes of our swing-state neighbors.
Nate Grabner

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