Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Boob Nifong Mueller to take the hot seat

Horse faced sometime patriot Boob Nifong Mueller is going to testify before the House of Representatives.  If Nifong Mueller is an honest man – big if – his testimony cannot stray from the four corners of his BS report.  That report found insufficient evidence for a collusion indictment and in true cowardly Caligula, D.C. form punted on obstruction deferring to a new standard for justice in America – we can’t prove you are innocent of all crimes, so you must be guilty of something.

So after Nifong Mueller makes it clear that there will be no Perry Mason moment when he backtracks on the findings found in the report and says PDJT is in fact a Russian bought and paid for spy, Dopes will be left to endlessly parse the obstruction charge.  So PDJT is going to be accused of obstructing an investigation into a crime that Nifong Mueller will be forced to admit never occurred.

PDJT’s team can then ask Nifong Mueller the Lindsey Graham questions like, did PDJT obstruct your investigation by limiting you the necessary funds to conduct it?  Did PDJT obstruct your investigation by limiting the necessary time to conduct it?  Did PDJT obstruct your investigation by limiting the necessary cooperation among White House employees?  Did PDJT obstruct your investigation by endlessly invoking “executive privilege” claims?  Did PDJT obstruct your investigation by limiting the number of pages that the White House documents turned over? And on, and on, and on.  Conclusion?  No obstruction.  No collusion.

Once the basics of the Nifong Mueller report are established…again…PDJT’s team will be free to ask Nigong Mueller a long list of embarrassing questions that could prove that Nifong Mueller’s team was in fact engaged in a witch hunt or worse – a coup.  After Nifnog Mueller’s 9 minute presser, I’m not sure this guy is up to hours of close questioning by people who know what a POS he is. 

The key question will be, “Nifong, when were you convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that PDJT’s campaign did not collude the Russians?”   The answer to that question will lead to a long list of other questions about the reliability of the fake dossier and its origination, the FISA warrants and renewals, military type raids on Manafort’s and Stone’s homes, his exclusive hiring of angry Demo-Dopes for his team including Shrillda the Hutt lawyer disgraced attorney Andrew Weismann.  I’m sure fat Jerry Nadler and pencil neck Adam Shiff think that are finally “going to get PDJT.”  Hmm, cue the Acme TNT barrel, because close questioning of Nifong Mueller could cause the entire thing to explode in the Dopes’ faces a la Wiley E. Coyote.   

I don’t see how this ends well for the Dopes.  That said, the MSM in this country is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Demo-Dope Party.  So whatever the best side of this for the Dopes will be run non-stop by the MSM like when Nifong Mueller sh*t himself during his 9 minute statement saying DOJ policy didn’t allow him to indict PDJT – then Nifong had to walk that piece of BS back in a statement – but only after the MSM went nuts for hours after his F-up.

Wayfair we’ve got just what you need
Apparently Wayfair has beds DHS needs.  So a group bought beds from Wayfair for illegal aliens to sleep on in our overrun border detention centers.  The ever woke Wayfair work force is staging a walk out because a Wayfair is supplying beds to keep children from sleeping on the floor.  WTF?

How does that make sense?  Well Dopes want the detention centers shut down so that the illegals have to immediately be released into the interior of the country where they will not be seen again until Election Day when they show up with their illegally issued driver’s license and demand the right to vote – thank you MotorVoter same day voter registration - which is all any of this is about. 

So Demo-Dopes are on record stating that they prefer children sleeping on the ground.  Perfect.

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