Friday, June 14, 2019

Things get weirder and weirder - make that Dopes get weirder and weirder

I do not know what we’re experiencing in America right now.  It is becoming clear as Jim Acosta’s partisanship that the Russian dossier and all the activities surrounding it - FISA warrants, spying on PDJT’s campaign, the Mueller investigation, all of the indictments and prosecutions that followed, MSM, Dope, Hollywood’s faux outrage, the endless drum beat of “PDJT’s a traitor or Russian spy” by PDJT haters are all predicated on a shoddy, poorly written, laughable fake document produced by corrupt English, Russian, Italian and Australian spies and commissioned and paid for by Shrillda the Hutt as – first a political hit piece, then the basis for a deep state coup attempt against PDJT. Hmm, that’s a long sentence but you get the point. 

Now that AG Barr, IG Horowitz and John Durham are digging into the conspiracy and set to lay the whole thing bare for the American people you’d think the liars, phonies and conspirators – particularly the MSM - would start to deal with reality and the truth. They don’t.  They are all doubling down on the lie.  It’s like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, his face and shirt covered with the chocolate evidence that proves he’s the one who cleaned the jar out, pulls the last chocolate chip out and eats it in front of mom all while denying he took any of the cookies.  Dumbfounding!  But that is exactly where we are right now.

PDJT says he might take a meeting from a foreign national who might have Op-O research on the Dopes and, if anything nefarious was revealed during the meeting, he’d report it to the FBI. That sounds perfectly reasonable to my small mind.  So, for instance, if the Russians called PDJT and said that Shrillda the Hutt foolishly paid millions for a fake dossier compiled by a couple of former KGB officers that made incredibly stupid fantastical and salacious claims about him, PDJT may want to take the meeting.  He’d never report it to the FBI, because to anyone with a brain it’s a total BS unbelievable scenario.

It’s a bizzaro world when the co-conspirators of the failed coup act like they are aghast about PDJT statement outlining what he’d do in a hypothetical about foreign Op-O when it included everything that the Dopes actually did in their failed coup attempt. While thinking people sit with their head cocked like the RCA dog, “Wait a minute.  You azzwipes actually did that stuff.  Now, like the kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, they act like it’s a thought crime for responding to a hypothetical?  WTF?”

My guess is that the co-conspirtors are in so deep there’s no graceful way out so they are forced to adopt the close-ranks “admit nothing, deny everything, make counter charges” mantra.  That might hold until the first guy make a plea deal to escape prosecution.  Then the rats will form a circular firing squad and turn on each other like drowning rats trying to keep their heads above water.  F ‘em all.

Final note, if the republic is to survive the people need to be prosecuted for this BS.

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