Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Rat establishment Republican senate proves PDJT is the last man standing

Immediately after PDJT announced his plan to slap tariffs on the corrupt Mexican government if it didn’t stop acting like a safe haven launching pad for the invasion of our country by an unrelenting mass of undereducated, untrained, unskilled, unhealthy swarm of illegal aliens, the Mexican government dispatched high level negotiators to plead with us for mercy, like a 10 year old boy about to get a much deserved ass wippin’ from daddy for not doing the chores he’d been asked to do for a week, he swears he’ll get right on it.

Then, right on cue, just as daddy is about to apply the pressure that will get the young boy’s attention, along comes Mamma Mitch McConnell to plead for daddy not to whip the recalcitrant, smart aleck, lay about boy’s worthless butt – or else.  This is as clear an indication as any that the ONLY thing standing between us and the globalists in the congress, rapidly becoming a set of the whole, is PDJT.

PDJT needs to fire a shot over the wobbly Rat establishment Republican’s bow.  He needs to announce at one of those impromptu news conferences that he might help a primary challenger of any Republican that doesn’t support him in his efforts to secure the southern border.

The first option in any crisis is to do nothing.  All McConnell and other Republicans searching for a spine had to do is say nothing until the negotiations played out.  Instead they signaled to Mexican negotiators that the Republican senate had their backs.  They are clearly rooting for the other team.  Way to go Mitch.  You’re doing a heck of a job.

Never one to pass up the opportunity to tilt at a windmill, Lex fired off versions of this snotgram to his Indiana senators – Todd Young and Mike Braun - and sent an open letter to the local fish wrap:       

The fact that you don't list this important issue (border security) in your pull down of topics but include ones for “animal welfare” and “patents”  may tell us all we need to know about where your priorities are.  Please, please don't be another weak-kneed Rat establishment Republican.   Most of these worthless know-nothing, do-nothing, be-nothing entrenched Republicans have sat on their thumbs in Caligula, D.C. term after term doing exactly nothing while our debt soared and the border became unmanageable. 

PDJT has singlehandedly tried about everything he can to improve the situation on the border.  Now, the do-nothings want to tell him what won't work.  No one in congress is willing to do one damn thing to help the president resolve the crisis at our border.  Here’s a hint, Todd, the ONLY thing more unpopular than congress in America right now is the alliance of pimps, pornographers and prostitutes.  This move by senate Republicans just caused congressional numbers to slip a bit further.  Ride the Trump tiger, Todd, or you will surely be eaten by him.  Ask Jeff Flake.

Now, if you think this vote will blow over by the next election, let me leave you with this: I’m willing to forgive and forget a lot of human character flaws.  No one is perfect all of the time. Two things I am NOT willing to forgive are cowardice and lying for personal benefit. Opposing PDJT on this places you in both categories in my book.  I will not forget about it. We survived Joe Donnelly.  We will survive the next Democrat senator from Indiana.  Better to have 40 warriors in the senate than 60 spineless wimps.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Soon we will hear no real legislation can be done as we are too close to The August Recess. Then very little can be done because of The Holiday Recess. Then nothing can get done in 2020 because it is an election year. Then a limping lame duck Congress has to wait until new Congress is seated in Jan 2021. Then the big question in Feb 2021 will be who will run for president in 2024. The worthless group begins the old worthless cycle.