Friday, June 28, 2019

Demo-Dope vision: America the welfare state to the world

While America faces real problems, not the least of which is a 22 trillion dollar debt, Demo-Dopes are offering free everything to everybody.  When faced with the very real and in convenient truth about the national debt, Dopes either go all Crazy Bernie supporting a 70% tax rate or go Bill de Blasio stating that “there’s plenty of money.  It’s just in the wrong hands.”  WARNING:  First the Dopes will take your guns.  Then they will take your stuff.

Ignoring a 22 trillion dollar debt, at last night’s debate, when asked for a show of hands of which candidates on stage supported free healthcare for ILLEGAL immigrants, nary a Dope though it was a bad idea.  The Dopes are now in favor of offering free healthcare to the world, or at least any part of the world that can manage to wander across an unsecured American border that the Dopes actively advocate for.

With the memory of the picture of the negligent ILLEGAL immigrant father and his infant daughter drowned trying to break into the country, Dopes are willing to wave more taxpayer favors at ILLEGAL immigrants to draw them to the Dope run state welfare gravy train.  Some wise guy once said you cannot combine open borders with a generous welfare state. It’s crazy.  It’s irresponsible, and because it is a conscious plan by Dopes to draw the ILLEGALS en mass into the country, issue them driver’s licenses and ultimately allow the ILLEGALS to vote, it is treason.

Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser feigned tears for the illegal alien father who drowned while abusing his child to death.  This is the same callous b*tch who refused to meet with American Angel Moms and Dads of children killed by illegal aliens.  Not a single tear was shed by this political whore for American victims of murder and mayhem visited upon them by illegal aliens. 

NOTE:  Much is being made of this BS “father” using his child as a pawn to break into the country.  He was just trying to give his daughter a better life, whine the usual idiots.  BS. Try this thought experiment:  A man decides to walk across Texas to attend a Trump rally.  He decides to drag his infant daughter along with him.  He leaves home with no money, no food, no water and heads to the rally hundreds of miles away with his infant daughter in tow. Somewhere along the way the father and daughter are found face down in stream.  Do you think Demo-Dopes would have one compassionate word for that father?  No, and to my way of thinking they shouldn’t.  What that POS “dad” in the photo did to his little girl amounts to the same thing.  In both cases it is reckless endangerment of a child. 

While the Dopes turn their backs on American victims, they actually held a moment of silence for illegal aliens who died trying to break into the country.  AOC had a photo op of her weeping at child detention center that actually turned out to be a chain link fence around an empty lot.  In true Dope fashion, it’s better to have people think you are compassionate than to actually be compassionate.

Here’s the problem I see for the Dopes.  PDJT will frame them as being pro illegal alien while being hostile to American victims.  The victims are not just the Angel Moms and Dads.  The victims include American children whose classrooms are being overrun by illiterate kids who cannot speak English.  The victims are the towns whose social welfare resources are being depleted by a mob of illegals.  The victims are the American workers whose wages are being suppressed by a glut of unskilled labor willing work for next to nothing. 

What is a total disaster for the Dopes is that this a relatively easy issue for the average American to understand.  PDJT = America first.  Dopes = illegal immigrants first. Okay now let’s vote.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

The wife and I watched some of each night of the Dems debate, or as she said, The Perpetual Road Rage. You would think America is a shit hole. I suggest they get put up another 10 Dems each night until they find one that has some common sense and does not have a Black Friday Combat Shopping Mentality. We will see which one gets the most money in campaign contributions. That is how you know who won this roller derby match.