Monday, July 01, 2019

Fun with CNN's miserable lot of losers

Mrs. Lex and I have been traveling the last few day.  The hotel we’ve been staying in have been hooked to CNN in the lobbies.  That’s ok, because as Sun Tzu said, “Have your coffee early and your day will be satisfied.  Have your coffee with Danish, and your satisfaction will be complete.”  Or “Know yourself completely and you will have victory.  Know your enemy as you know yourself, and your victory will be compete.”

So seeing what the enemy is up to is not a terrible thing.  It is depressing though.  Here’s what I learned in the time I spent with CNN – in no particular order:

Dopes are an unhappy miserable lot.  They appear to be so consumed with hatred for PDJT and – this is very important – anyone who supports him that their day is in ruins the second they awake to the news that DJT is still President of the United States of America. The hatred bubbles and oozes into every aspect of every story.  It’s sad.  It’s dangerous.

CNN is still actively pursuing the E. Jean Carroll story.  I think this approach blew up in the 2016 cycle when the Dopes were caught paying accusers to make allegations against candidate Trump and was disposed of during the Kanenaugh hearings.  How many times are Demo-Doeps going to roll this BS out and expect it to work?  One word – Swetnick - the idiot chick (and her even bigger idiot lawyer Avanati I suppose) who made up such fantastical lies about Kavenaugh, not even CNN could run with them.   That episode has forever tainted the sex smear as a tool.  Where the hell was Carroll during the 2016 cycle?  Inquiring minds want to know. Hell where has she been since the alleged attempted rape supposedly occurred?  This all just too convenient.  But CNN is grasping any brush to try to tar PDJT. My assessment is that any Johnny come lately story will be dismissed by thinking people as the BS it is.  For many it is baked into the cake.  We expect the Dopes to play their standard sex smear card at some point.  The only question is whether it will come before or after they play their standard race card.

With the economy roaring, CNN and the Dopes are trashing it as not real or ironically taking credit for it.  CNN will alternate between the “the economic news is all smoke and mirrors.  The American people are suffering horrifically under PDJT’s policies” or “Of course the economy is doing well.  PDJT inherited an economy that just ready explode because of Barry The Empty Suits’ wise and visionary economic policies.”  Well which is it?  Pick one.  Seems to me that the Dopes cannot have it both ways.  So ever so Slow Joe Biden and that wing of the Dope Party say TES’s policies that destroyed the American economy for 8 lousy years are responsible for the economic boom under PDJT.  Except Slow Joe cannot point to one TES economic policy that continues under PDJT’s booming economy.  The rest of the field- and the MSM - are trying desperately to convince everyone that rising wages, full employment, a booming stock market and the return of manufacturing to the US are horrible news that will lead us right into recession or worse.  My guess is that Dopes everywhere are hoping for an economic collapse that ruins as many Americans as possible just so they can win an election.

If they cannot win the “the economy sucks” argument, they have latched onto this “income inequality” BS.  Income inequality?  Take that BS to your next poker game.  “Well we see Joe, through his skill and good fortune, has won the last several pots and has quite a handsome stack of chips in front of him.  That is a clear case of ‘chip inequality.’  We demand Joe redistribute some of those chips to the rest of the players, like Jimmy whose foot always taps incessantly when he’s bluffing and Johnny who somehow thinks a pair of deuces is a sure thing.  Until we level the playing field, this game will catch on”

Along those lines the new Dope talking point is that the three richest Americans have more wealth the bottom 50% of the country. Lemmesee, who are the three?  Jeff Bezos – Demo-Dope.  Bill Gates – Demo-Dope.  Warren Buffet – Demo-Dopes.  Now let’s look at who is leveling the BS “income inequality” charge.  Bernie Sanders an avowed “democratic socialist” who is also a millionaire who owns three mansions.  Big Chief Lie-in-face Warren a millionaire who got some of those bucks lying about her American Indian heritage and married the rest.  Slow Joe Biden a mediocre lawyer who got millions “serving the country” for the last 50 years and then got billions for his less than mediocre dope of a son, Hunter, from the Chinese and Ukrainian governments.  If Dopes actually believe their own BS, why don’t these fat cat Dopes start by redistributing some of their own unequal income? Like all elite effete Dope F—Ks they are certain the rules and their own policies do not and will not apply to them.  That’s why Shrillda the Hutt and a long list of Dope co-conspirators are not in jail right now. That’s why congress exempts itself from the tyranny of Robertscare/Obamacare that it forces onto the rest of America.  That’s why congress allows itself to participate in insider trading while throwing everyone else in jail for the practice.  In that regard Rat establishment Republicans are no different from their Dope counterparts.  They all suck.

PDJT is war mongering peacenik.  Yeah that’s correct a war mongering peacenik. PDJT is going to get us into another unending Middle East war, this time with Iran, by his military buildup in the region and at the same time is going to encourage the ayatollahs to expand Iran’s power and influence in the region by not using the military option after the drone shoot down.  Hmmm that’s a bit schizoid, but that’s what PDJT does to people on the left. He has them chasing their tails in circles.

When PDJT offers up a throwaway line at a rally – “How about a third or fourth term?” – the left goes nuts and actually believes that either by repealing the 22nd Amendment (which would make a 3rd and 4th term legal) or by force he will not leave the White House after 8 years.  If they only knew how utterly stupid they looked when they take the PDJT troll bait, they’d stop it.  They don’t so they continue to be trolled by PDJT almost daily. 

When the MSM asked PDJT if he was going to ask Putin not meddle in the 2020 election, PDJT looked at Putin and said, “Don’t meddle in the election, [Mr.] president.”  CNN and the MSM went nuts, “PDJT doesn’t take Russian threat seriously” they whined.  They forgot when little TES triumphantly told them that he told “Putin to knock it off” when addressing Russian meddling ahead of the 2016 cycle.  Oooooooo I’ll bet that scared the sh*t out of the former KGB colonel.  As they have for the last 60 or so years, Russia is going to meddle. So are the Chinese, the Iranians, both Koreas, the Israelis, the Germans, Italians and everyone else with interest in the outcome – just like we do in their elections. 

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