Monday, July 22, 2019

Twofer Monday - Lefty's violence is increasing and PDJT's tweets worth the aggravation they cause in the left

Today's 1st JG rant: Charges of “dictator Trump” a cover to justify violence on the left

In her letter, “Three branches meant to balance each other” of July 21st, Jane Vorndran claims that PDJT wants to be a dictator. If Vorndran believes her own boloney, she’s dumber than the public school kid who thinks it’s called the Cold War because it was fought in the winter.

My guess is that she doesn’t believe a word of her own garbage.  Rather, she spews such drivel to justify Lefty’s increasingly vile and violent attacks on the president and his supporters.  Take Montana’s blister bag with a flattop - Democrat Sen Jon Tester, he thinks opponents ought to punch PDJT in the face.  Nice.  

I’d pay money to see the fat slob try.  The Secret Service would drop the blimp like Buffalo Bill Cody dropping one of his shaggy-haired name sakes back in the day sending blimp boy crashing to the ground like the Hindenburg.

But the violent tendencies of a bloviating bag of excrement isn’t the violence Vorndran’s dopey charge of a Dictator Trump is trying to cover up.  What she really wants to do is give legitimacy to the Democrat thug army – AntiFa.  These pampered masked thugs descend on peaceful rallies, college speaking engagements and even restaurants frequented by conservative and, like Hitler’s Brown Shirt hoodlums, try to shut them down with violence and do so with the tacit approval of Democratic mayors who order the police to turn a blind eye to the violence.

Such tactics wouldn’t be tolerated if they were used against traditional political opponents.  So fools like Vorndran try to give them top cover by insisting the thugs aren’t challenging a typical politician.  They are challenging a dictator.  It’s all nonsense and Vorndran knows it.   
Three branches meant to balance each other out
Ned Calvin (Letters, July 14) needs to go back to elementary school. Congress is not to “support” a president but to provide checks and balances. In other words, not agreeing with everything a president says but keeping things going straight. This is also why we have the judicial system (the Supreme Court).
It takes three legs to hold up a stool. With only one it would fall, the same as a country. Without those three systems in place we would have a dictator, which is what Donald Trump wants to be.
Jane Vorndran
Fort Wayne

Today’s 2nd JG rant: PDJT is driving them crazy

Re: Dan Klopfenstein’s letter “
This president's actions dishonor the office,” of July 20, 2019.

PDJT’s twitter account is like a laser pointer he uses to taunt looney Leftists who act like frenetic cats when he wields the device.  In an effort to get PDJT to put down his most useful and perhaps only tool to fight against a totally warped MSM, anti-Trumpers have referred to his use of Twitter as “un-presidential.” 

Only Leftist hypocrite crybabies and their clown army of “journalists,” “comedians,” and Hollywood “celebrities” could call PDJT the most vile names, make the most vile unsubstantiated accusations against him and openly threaten the President of the United States, his family and his supporters with great bodily harm and then cry foul when PDJT slaps them down with a mere tweet.

Only blind Leftist boob hypocrites with their heads planted so deeply up their backsides that they had to have windows installed in their stomachs so they could see where they were going could look at a record high economy, record high stock market, record high employment, energy independency, record low unemployment and ending a record amount of growth choking government regulation and then accuse the architect of that success of being a “bumbler.”

Only a publicly educated colossal ignoramus or a willfully “uninformed” loser could look at NATO members being shamed into finally coughing up their fair share for their own defense while placing crippling sanctions on Russia, Iran and N Korea as snuggling up to dictators and snubbing allies.

Only “inarticulate” Leftist loons who hate PDJT more than they love the country with an 11 year-old’s understanding of the written language could take offense at PDJT’s tweet stating the obvious – that the American women’s soccer team, that presumably represents the entire country on the world’s stage, should stand for the National Anthem and respect their country.

Apparently, PDJT has made America so great again that even perpetually angry people who don’t much care for her refuse to leave.  Well done, Mr. President.

This president's actions dishonor the office
In his July 7 letter, Dave Cooper takes issue with U.S. soccer player Megan Rapinoe's foul-mouthed refusal to visit the Trump White House. Cooper states it would be an honor to meet the president, even one with whom you disagree. In these two points, I agree with Cooper: I don't care for Rapinoe's language and, as an American, I would be honored to meet the president in almost any case.
But in this case, we have a president who, to begin with, is an inarticulate, uninformed bumbler. He often responds to criticisms with name-calling and unpresidential tweets, many of which are full of inaccuracies and read as though they were written by an 11-year-old. According to a number of news and fact-checking organizations, this president has made more than 10,000 false or misleading statements.
He has snuggled up to some of the world's worst dictators while turning a cold shoulder to many of our longtime allies. This president has dishonored the office of the presidency and the White House far more than one athlete's R-rated comment. Along with Rapinoe, I would find it difficult to meet our current president and feel any honor or national pride.
Lastly, Cooper stated that he hoped that the U.S. women's soccer team would lose 100-0. As we all know by now, our women beat the Netherlands 2-0 in the final and are once again World Cup champions, and that makes me happy. Go USA!
Dan Klopfenstein
Fort Wayne

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