Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Quick hits

US Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher
Gallagher was accused of the premeditated murder of a captured ISIS soldier and a bunch of other add on charges.  I have no idea what went on with Gallagher and his team.  Apparently neither does the Navy.

Normally if you don’t have the proof for a conviction, a command will handle charges quietly, administratively to the extent possible – non-judicial punishment (a member can refuse NJP demanding a CM, so there's that), a career ending fitrep, reassignment etc.

The idiot Navy decided to go very public with Gallagher’s case.  It gloriously blew up in their face yesterday.  

This case stunk from the start.  The Navy put a corrupt prosecutor in charge of the case.  They harassed the family.  They tried to fix trial.  The Navy engaged in all manner of prosecutorial misconduct that got the lead prosecutor dismissed from the case.  Taking a page from Boob Nifong Mueller, the Navy put Gallagher in solitary al la Paul Manafort denying him access to his family and legal team.  PDJT intervened on Gallagher’s behalf to improve his conditions bringing more shame to the Navy and their corrupt BS prosecutorial team. 

I’m no lawyer.  I don’t play one on TV, and I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn last night, but how the hell can someone be charged with the murder of a combatant in a combat zone with no body or autopsy?   Can you say reasonable doubt? 

The Navy should never have brought this case to Courts Martial.  I am delighted to see that the Navy writ large got their azzes kicked around the block and back again in this case.  

Sadly, somewhere this morning there are half a dozen wannabe admirals seething about this outcome.  PDJT should have SecNav investigate this case and relieve any azweasel involved in misconduct in this bogus prosecution.

Dipstick Frederica Wilson
Cowboy hat wearing SFB Frederica Wilson let loose this piece of wisdom:
 Those people online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace. And there is no need for anyone to think that is acceptable. We’re going to shut them down. And work with whoever it is to shut them down and they should be prosecuted.

Well Frederica let me join in this fun making.  Congress is a bunch of dysfunctional, lying, thieving, corrupt, incompetent, half-wit losers.  You dress like a rodeo clown.  You talk with all of the wisdom of a brain dead drunk laying in the gutter in pile of their own vomit while begging loose change from passerbys.

I hope that is sufficient to get me on your list of people making fun of one of the most harmful institutions in America - congress.

Colin Kaepernick
Nike pulled their Betsy Ross themed tennis shoes after complete douchebag Colin Kepernick complained that the Betsy Ross flag was symbol of racism.

Here’s how this BS ends.  Every time Nike comes out with a new shoe, MAGA people adopt the symbol on that shoe and hell the Nike swoosh.  Put it on signs at rallies.  Glorify Nike by having the swoosh embroidered on your MAGA hat and t-shirts.  (Sure it some violation of copy write but China does it.)

It won’t take long for these idiots to actually think Nike has teamed up with PDJT and demand a boycott of Nike.  It’ll be a beautiful thing.

Citizenship question nixed from census
Other than turncoat John Roberts siding with the Libs on this issue, it’s hard to get too worked up over it.  Here’s why.  People lie.  The question will not be answered honestly by illegals.  So what’s the point?

The Lefty Libs are rejoicing at “another loss PDJT suffered in the courts.”  That’s a short sighted view.  They should never have protested the question in the first place. Here’s why.  People can just lie on the questionnaire. 

Also, the overwhelming majority of Americans support having the question on the census.  PDJT and Republicans should ask every Dope candidate for every office where they stand on this issue. Get them to say “illegals shouldn’t be questioned about their status.”  That puts them right up there with offering free healthcare, driver’s licenses, free college education, free housing, internet – well, free everything for illegals.   

Dopes rail over 4th of July military displays
Having participated in far too many static displays – what the hell is the big deal?  Taxpayers come out and look at the equipment they are paying for and enjoy letting kids sit behind the wheel of a HMMWV, talk on the radio to their siblings 40 feet away, sit in the driver’s seat of a tank, pull the lanyard on an artillery piece and talk to the military personnel who man the equipment.  What’s the down side?

This is another loser issue for the Dopes that Republicans ought to ask their opponents, “Where do stand on this issue of allowing taxpayers to see what they are paying for?”

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