Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Hate is one way street with the left

When is a hate crime not a hate crime?  Well, if you are a gay black D list Lefty Lib actor and stage a “hate crime,” the left will glorify you, hold parades for you, and demand that the fake perpetrators be brought to justice.  When the fraud is exposed, the left will continue support the fraudster, because while the actual report is as fake as a photo of Big Foot, it is a true indication of the state of race relations in America. So like Dan Rather’s Bush National Guard story, the left claims the fraudulent police report is “fake but accurate.”

Now if you are a gay Asian reporter with undeniable evidence that you were assaulted by the Lefty Lib’s thug army, AntiFa, well then you brought the attack on yourself, and after all, the attack wasn’t that bad – not nearly as bad as the fake attack on the gay black D list Lefty Lib actor.

So the Lefty Libs are aghast when PDJT calls fake news what it is – fake news.  They claim that PDJT pointing out the truth is inspiring violence against journalist.  They cannot provide any proof of such violence, but they continue to make the allegations.

Now there is very real video evidence of a journalist being assaulted Lefty Lib azzbags, but the MSM ignores the story.  Jussie Smollett is hero for being an azzbag liar about a hate crime.  Andy Ngo is an azzbag for being assaulted by Lefty Lib masked thugs.

Every Republican needs to force every Demo-Dope to either condemn AnfiFa or be put on record supporting this violent mob of scumbags.   

Donald Trump Jr.
Donald Trump Jr. was spat upon in a restaurant.  He did not press charges against the perp.  I can understand why.  “Turn the other cheek” and all of that New Testament teaching and all.  But all of this incivility will continue until the perps are made to pay a price for their lawless actions. 

It’s getting worse.  Victims of these “hate crimes” against conservatives need to start holding the perps accountable.  They need to be like Nick Sandman the Covington High student slandered by MSM after the left turned the Covington High inside out and turned it on its head – sue the bastards into oblivion.

I know conservative are too busy going to work and caring for their families to become activists, but I think we need some activist who engage in peaceful protests.  When the owner of the Red Hen restaurant - who ran Sarah Sanders out of her establishment - said that she thinks conservatives ought to eat at home, how cool would it be if 15 PDJT supporters in MAGA hats and t-shirts showed up every night for dinner and dared the b*tch to try to throw them out?

AntiFa is a different story.  If the police aren’t going to confront the lawless mob of masked thugs, somebody needs to.  These worthless sh*ts are likely to show up at the 4th of July celebration in D.C. How much BS is the Caligula, D.C. PD going to be willing to tolerate?  If PDJT’s inauguration is any indication, quite a bit.

The easy way to get this mob under control to ban masks.  These cowards cannot afford to have mom and dad see them out protesting when they are supposed to be looking for a job.  Until these violent sh*ts are arrested, their masks pulled back and mom and forced to pay fines until it hurts this lawless BS will continue.

More Dope cognitive dissonance
When PDJT walked across the DMZ into N Korea, the Dopes went nuts.  When PDJT called Kim Lil’ Rocketman the Dopes went nuts. When PDJT makes peace efforts the Left goes nuts.  When PDJT talks tough he’s a war mongering hawk.  

The left cannot get a handle on PDJT. When he talks with Kim he’s coddling a brutal dictator.  When Barry The Empty Suit coddles the Castro Bros, he’s a hero.  Huh?

Well let me say, I’d rather take a hardline with N Korea, China, Iran, Russia, Venezuela - well probably 3/4ers of the world.  When PDJT sits with these BS artists, I always think - WTF?  I’m a military guy.  Every problem in the world looks like a military problem.  But I’m consistent.  TES was a loser for coddling Castro and bowing to a long line of world’s worst actors.  I remain suspect when PDJT sit with Kim, Putin and Xi.

But PDJT at least uses the carrot and stick approach with these azzbags.  TES was like a fat rich kid who tries to buy friends – all carrot no stick.  So I’m willing to give peace a chance.  We can kick their azzes when reality sets in.  In my honest opinion, none of these creeps will ever come around being normalized trade/peace partners – no matter how much it benefits both sides, but at least PDJT has slapped sanctions and tariffs on the bad actors instead of just opening the US treasury – a la TES - for looting by these weasels.

Today’s JG rant: Trump voter regrets are a lie
I’m 63 years old and voted for FDR 4 times.  I regret every one of those votes. If you believe that, you probably believe that Curtis J. Ransom regrets voting for PDJT.

Here’s the deal.  The JG archives can be searched.  If you search Curtis J. Ransom’s name you’ll find 28 citations, most of which are letters to the editor. I challenge anyone to read those nearly monthly diatribes, sometimes twice monthly diatribes – in violation of JG letter policy I believe, and conclude that Ransom has ever been a real Trump supporter.

What Ransom may have done is given a small donation and voted for Trump in the primary in order to get what he believed would be the easiest Republican candidate for the most flawed presidential candidate in the history of the country to beat.  If that’s the case, it’s clearly not what he wanted the reader to believe in his Jun 21 letter – and by the way, how’d that work out for you?

Given his well-documented anti-Pence, anti-Republican viewpoints on display on this very page, if Ransom voted for PDJT on Nov 8, 2016, it would be proof that he is either schizoid or playing loose with the truth.

You might also believe Shelly Gilliland’s twaddle (JG letter of Jun 30, 2019) that Ransom showed “courage” by coming out against PDJT on the JG’s letter page.  HA!  You cannot be serious. Here’s another challenge.  I’ll travel with Gilliland or Ransom to any major city in the US.  I’ll wear a Hillary cap if they will wear a MAGA hat. 

As the left becomes more and more unhinged and violent at every one of his successes, I guarantee you the MAGA hat wearer will be far more likely to be harassed and/or physically attacked than wearing a loser Clinton hat.  Let’s see all that courage, Curtis, Time Square any day of the week.  I’ll wait for a call.

Writer's change of heart offers hope come 2020
I've read letters from Curtis J. Ransom over the years and have rarely, if ever, agreed with him. Until June 21. His willingness, courage and transparency in admitting not only that he voted for Donald Trump in 2016 but that he will not vote for him in 2020, and that he made a mistake in 2016, gives me hope that others might follow suit. Thank you, Curtis J. Ransom.
Shelly Gilliland

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Antifa needs to rally in Wheeling WVa, Stone Mountain, Ga, and Broken Arrow, Ok. Do some away games. Portland or Berkeley? The games there are rigged! The journalist attacked was blinded then punched from behind by light weight goons. It was 20 or 30 to 1. I suspect their Dirty Harry moment would come if they ever leave their home field.