Monday, July 15, 2019

The unfinished post

I’ve been laid low by a kidney stone.  Here’s the piece I was working before Mr. Stone tried to kill me.  I’ll finish it sometime in the future -- or not.
First off, and this very important, the Demo-Dope Party is the party of slavery, the party of the Ku Klux Klan, the party of segregation, the party opposed to Reconstruction i.e. the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the US Constitution, the party that opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the party of the violent and fascist AntiFa thug army etc. 

Once those facts begin to penetrate the closed minds of the publicly educated, knowing that the Slowest of all Joe’s – Biden – worked with segregationists makes perfect sense.  Of course he worked with segregationists, because the Dope Party was made up largely of segregationists. Of course creepy rapist and frequent flyer on Jeffery Epstein’s child rape plane, the Lolita Express, Billyboy Billbo Clinton’s mentors - J. William Fulbright and Orville Faubus - in AR were raging segregationists.  They were DEMO-DOPES.  Of course Billbo’s rape enabling wife, Shrillda the Hutt, heaped great praise on a racist clown and former Grand Kleagle of the KKK – Robert Byrd.  Of course Demo-Dopes excuse VA gov and baby murderer Ralph Northam’s racist blackface/KKK Halloween costume. They are all part of the party of racism – Demo-Dopes.

The Demo-Dopes were and remain the committed racists in America today.  However, instead of raising a racist army to lynch blacks, the Demo-Dopes are now openly anti-Semitic, anti-white, anti-European, anti-merit based.  Willie Brown’s part-time whore - Kamala Harris – recently announced a plan to give 100 BILLION OF YOUR HARD EARNED YANKEE DOLLARS to blacks to buy homes.  Transferring funds from one group of Americans to another based solely on skin color is clearly a racist position.  No?     

“The squad” will now and forever more be known as “the squat” on this page.

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