Tuesday, July 16, 2019

PDJT forces Peloser to turn her back on America to side with the anti-American losers "the squat"

Lemme just say chemo therapy sucks, and kidney stones suck.  To pile one on top of the other is a rare form of torture that could only have been developed by Ol’ Speck himself from inside the seventh ring of hell, but “that which does not kill us makes us stronger.”  (Nietzsche)  I am stronger today.

Oh no!  They’ve finally got him!  PDJT is toast!  Fox News and a bunch of nervous nelly Rat establishment Republicans are siding with the commie bastards who hate this country that the PDJT called a bunch commie bastards who hate this country. So he’s done – for telling the truth about commie bastards who hate this country.

PDJT is brilliant.  He’s forcing the Demo-Dopes to either grab commie bastards by the belt giving the appearance of the party supporting their crazy anti-American, anti-Semitic rhetoric or kick “the squat” to curb.  Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser is planning on a resolution from the House of Representatives condemning PDJT’s “racist, xenophobic, tweets.”  Now this is the same Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser who “the squat” correctly labeled a racist and who could not bring her ancient wrinkled scurvy butt to condemn squat member Talib’s long history of openly anti-Semitic remarks. Instead, Peloser put up resolution condemning everything from anti-Semitism to jaywalking thereby making the resolution – like everything that comes from congress - next to useless.  I wonder if PDJT will get the same consideration.  If not, the anti-PDJT resolution should dredge up the whole Talib fiasco again.

So according to the swells, PDJT calling out “the squat” for what they are - racist, anti-Semitic, anti-American, low life losers - is going to be the end of PDJT.  Who said, “The truth will set you free”? (John 8:32)  The truth is that PDJT told the truth about “the squat” – except for the “go back where you came from” line in the case of 3 of the 4 squat members.  3 of the 4 are homegrown under-educated D-bags, but on the larger issue, PDJT got it exactly correct.

My guess is that it’s probably a 70-30 split in America of voters who have tired of “the squat” and think someone needs to call them out – enter PDJT.  Well done.  Now, Peloser is boxed in – support America or support “the squat.”  She’s going to support “the squat.”  When that happens, “the squat” becomes the new face of the Demo-Dope Party.  More hilariously, as soon as the resolution is voted on, “the squat” will, correctly, resume trashing Peloser as a racist.    

Now, what the Dopes, the ReFs, Fox News and the MSM have ignored in all of this is the 2 ½ year assault on all things PDJT.  What pejorative haven’t this bunch of losers unleashed on PDJT? They’ve called him a traitor, racist, white supremacist, homophobe, and all the stuff that follows.  There’s not one pejorative name that these losers have not let loose on PDJT.  No one gets called out, nothing – no matter how outrageous - is out of bounds as long as the target is PDJT. But let PDJT tell the truth about “the squat” and all hell breaks loose.

PDJT needs to rally in Ohio this weekend to bring this thing home.  The thing is that all PDJT needs to do is use the actual words of “the squat” to expose them for what they are.  Then let Peloser try to square the circle.  

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