Thursday, July 25, 2019

Boob Nifong Mueller got what he deserved, now it's Weismann's turn

Well that did not appear to go well for the Dopes.  Still, using Stalin’s law books, they insist that, because Boob Nifong Mueller didn’t “exonerate” him, PDJT must be guilty of something. They’ve definitely got their man.  All they need now is a crime.

Only a Dope could get drubbed this badly and still insist that the mumbling, confused old fool who is making wild accusations is more believable that the guy he is accusing.  Fat stupid and probably perpetually drunk Jerry Nadler’s next line of witnesses will come from the nut house followed by a parade of witnesses from the old folks’ home. They are all going to accuse PDJT of horrific crimes right before recalling how they saw an alien spaceship land on the Capitol Building lawn and wonder if it could be the same ones that abducted him back in the 30s.

Okay, Nfong Mueller wasn’t that bad – but almost.  He proved one thing conclusively, he was not running the investigation.  No one who is as totally confused by information contained in what is purported to be “their report” could have actually had that much to with it.  It was like Slowest of all Joes – Biden trying to defend his college paper 1/3rd of which was lifted word for word from someone else’s work.  Slow Joe put his name on the paper the paper, but he doesn’t really understand the material he lifted.  That was Nifong Mueller yesterday. He didn’t have a clue of much of what is purported to be “his work” - or at least it has his name on it.

As a result, the lasting impression of the once highly respected Boob Nifong Mueller will be that of an old confused man who clearly has no idea what he’s talking about and who let crazed political hacks destroy his once good name in the pursuit of injustice against PDJT.  The really great thing is that Nifong Mueller was exposed as the useless POS that Lex has always claimed he is live on national TV for all to see.

No, I don’t have an ounce of sympathy for that lying conniving double dealing rat bastard SOB – Nifong Mueller - anymore than I do for his namesake  - Mike Nifong – who relentlessly pursued injustice against the Duke Lacrosse team for political purposes.  Nifong Mueller allowed the country to be torn apart for 2 ½ years in a quest by Demo-Dopes to harpoon the great white whale - PDJT.  

When that failed to pan out for the treasonous bastards, Nifong Mueller attached his name to 400+ pages of BS that has acted as top cover for the fat slob Nadler and his lying POS buddy Pencil Neck Schiff to continue the quest to get PDJT by any and all means necessary. 

Nifong Mueller's report needed to be no longer than one type written to page with two findings.  1) The investigation found no evidence of collusion between anyone in the Trump campaign and Russian agents.  2)  The investigation found no evidence of obstruction of justice by PDJT.

Instead Nifong Mueller let a F—k like Andy Weismann take bucket after of bucket of the most vile human waste and dump it all over him and his once good name.  Still neither of these scumbags will get what they deserve for what they’ve done to the country.  A firing squad is too good, too quick and puts them out of their misery with too much dignity.  No, these weasels need to face public humiliation for decades for their BS. 

Nifong Mueller is done.  He’s a total laughing stock and will remain a punchline and a synonym for a doddering old fool that will live on until the rat bastard finally shuffles off this mortal coil for good. 

Weismann is another story.  Hopefully AG Barr and his investigator John Durham will nail this no good bastard.  I hope they give him the same treatment he gave Flynn, Manafort and Stone.  I hope they raid his home in the middle of the night, lock him up in solitary confinement for months on end, pursue him and his family relentlessly until he and they are dead broke and forced to plead guilty to kidnapping the Lindberg baby as well as treason in an attempted coup against PDJT. That’s still too good for that piece of human debris.

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