Friday, July 12, 2019

Of course Grand Nan from San Fran is a racist - she's a Dope

Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser – like most Dopes - is a raging racist.  Don’t take my word for it.  That news comes from the most influential voice in the Dope Party – America’s bar tender herself AOC.  AOC claims Peloser is “singling out progressive women of color.”  So finally the Dopes are pulling the mask back on themselves.  Slowest of all Joe’s – Biden – was called out earlier by Dope for working with segregationists.  Well the truth is that if you were going to work within the Dope caucus you had to work with segregationists, because the majority of the Dope Party was made up of segregationists and racists.

So you have the VP of the first half black president in the history of the United States being accused of racism for working with segregationists and the Dope Speaker of the House being accused of “singling out progressive women of color.”  This is great.  The real racists from the party of racists finally being called out by their own.

As always, Republicans are too slow on the uptake to press the Dope’s intermural firefight for their own advantage.  When Slow Joe was being savaged, I didn’t hear one Republican note that, “of course Slow Joe worked with segregationists.  That’s all there was in the Dope Party.”  I don’t hear any Republican taking advantage of the bind that Peloser finds herself in with “the squad.” Some brave Republican should point out the obvious.  To wit: “Of course Peloser is dismissive of the progressive women of color.  That’s been her position for the last 40 years - milk the minority community for votes then ignore them.  Peloser is a fabulously rich, old, old, old white woman with a healthy dose of white guilt but not enough guilt to ever surrender the reins of power to a younger woman of color.  So ‘the squad’ is just going to have to get in the back of the Peloser bus, sit down, shut up and hang on for the ride.”

It’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out in the Dope primary.  Seems to me the Dopes who engage in this type of tribal identity politics are actually slicing themselves a smaller piece of the pie. If “the squad” is going to call everyone who opposes their insane policy proscriptions racist – it’s doubtful that “the squad” will be able to grow its numbers past the current 4 lunatic members.

In the end, this all Peloser’s own fault.  Grand Nan lacked the fortitude to slap “the squad” down for their openly anti-Semitic comments and points of view.  She didn’t slap them down for their foolish grandstanding at hearings they participated in.  So now “the squad” is like the baby alligator you raised in your bath tub.  It was tiny and easy to handle at first.  Then one day you walk into the bathroom and its 6 feet long and over 200 pounds and much more difficult to deal with.  That’s where Peloser finds herself today.  Her pet has grown to the point where it can now eat her, and she doesn’t have clue of what to do about it.  She can feed it to keep it tame.  That will only allow the pest to grow and over time become more dangerous and difficult to kill. She can starve it.  That will make the pest more aggressive and dangerous over the short view. She can kill it off with single shot to the head.  That will confirm AOC’s accusation of racism, and turn the Dope party on its ear.

Well done Grand Nan.  You deserve everything that you are getting times 10.   

Ross Perot RIP
Ross Perot didn’t cost George Bush 41 a second term.  Bush’s betrayal of his “Read my lips.  No new taxes,” promise did. That’s that.  Ross Perot was a true patriot. The fact that he sucked at politics is a plus in my mind, but it’s also proof he was not the man for POTUS at the time.

Mueller hearing
I suspect it’ll be a big fat nothing.  He will not answer any questions outside the report from either Dopes or Reps.  So when the Republicans ask about Shrillda the Hutt funding the dirty dossier or any of the other 10,000 questions about Mueller’s bogus report, he will simply say, “That information is not contained in the report, so I cannot comment on it.”   

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