Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Girl's soccer team scraps civility for politics

Not really feeling it today except to rail against the US Girls’ World Cup Team.  1) The team has set sports aside to become totally political.  Team captain Megan Rapinoe decided the team would visit with Chuckles the weeping Clown Schumer, Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser and Village idiot AOC (She may be an idiot but every village needs, nay, deserves a bar tender.), while skipping the White House visit.  Simple questions Meg, why not both?  Why not meet with PDJT and make your case?  Kim Kardashian did with splendid results for her cause.  What are you afraid of?

2) The mythical cry “equal pay for equal work” continues.  Do the WNBA players deserve the same salaries found in the NBA?  Only an idiot would argue that they do.  They are not as talented.  Not one of them could compete on a men’s team.  They do not draw nearly the audience or sponsorship.  So what in the Sam Hill is equal about the two leagues? With exception of the audience, the same is true of girls’ soccer. So if the girls want to demand a larger share of the gate they might have a legit case.  That’s not they are arguing for.  They actually think they are playing the same game at the same level as the men. They aren’t.  The girl’s team got man handled by an under 15 boys’ soccer team 5-2.  They, like every loser ever, protested, “We weren’t really trying.”

3) I wish that someone in the White House would wise up, take Lex’s advice and when one of these teams decides not show up would just fill the White House with fans in the teams’ regalia having a good time.  PDJT should invite 10 girls’ high school and college teams from Trump country to the White House to celebrate women’s soccer.  Give them all Team USA jerseys. Put up goals and have an official Women’s World Cup ball for each girl. Let everyone kick a goal on the White House lawn with an official pic with PDJT and Melania. Then head inside for a Chik-Fill-A feast.

Lex predicts the White House boycotts will end when a Dope returns to the White House and respectful conservatives set politics aside and graciously accept the president’s invitation.  Sadly, “gracious” is not word fund in the #NEVERTRUMP, AntiFa, Resist movements.

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