Thursday, December 13, 2007

Debate? What debate?

Quick quiz, raise your hand if you think having candidates raise their hands at debates is silly. It’s a sad commentary when the biggest news out of a political debate is that the moderator was a better fit for Nurse Ratchet than debate moderator and nothing much happened.

Just as Lex’s prediction that Imus would be back on the air within six months of his NHH comment earning more money came true, so did the prediction about the rise of the candidate that skewered the moderator at these debates. I’m happy to say it was my man Fred who told Nurse Ratchet (AKA Carolyn Washburn, the editor of the Des Moines Register) that he wasn’t going to play the “raise your hand game.” The other candidates agreed and one could see the steam coming from Nurse Ratchet’s ears.

How can this be called a serious debate when Nurse Ratchet took the most important foreign policy question – Iraq – and the most important domestic policy question – immigration – off the table at the start of the debate? And excuse me, what the he*# was Allen Keyes doing up there? Is Monty Python going to be allowed on stage for tonight’s Dem debate?

The RNC had better wake up. They are never going to get a fair shake at these debates as long as the MSM media get to set rules. Only when a candidate says, sorry your rules are dumb, does a candidate gain traction.

Contrast the inanity of what happened last night with what happens tonight.

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