Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Closer to doomsday

While the other kids running lemonade stands are starting to use more lemons and larger cups while reducing price, the kid who is running ours thinks it's time to start reusing the old lemons and raising the price. This is what happens when you have someone with no experience running things. If you take P-BO's decision on the use nuclear arms, you have pretty much the exact same dynamic.

As I understand the Obama scheme, if you do not have nuclear weapons and have a current IAEA nuclear inspection sticker, you're home free. I suppose that's true even if you have nukes but have managed to keep that fact a secret from the UN's Keystone cops. Or have imported one secretly from another country. Obama has also said that the US will not develop any new nuclear weapons. Wow, what heretofore has been our biggest military advantage - innovation -
has been taken off the table for - uh mmm er, well nothing.

While the rest of world goes about building more and more modern nuclear weapons, P-BO thinks it's the perfect time to announce to the world, "we won't make any new ones and won't use the ones we have." This cannot be good.

Just the threat of the use of nuclear weapons has kept the world a pretty safe place - doomsday clock be damned - for the last 60 years. It kept the overwhelming conventional force of the Soviets at bay during the cold war. It continues to keep the N. Koreans at bay today.

Why tell everyone what your plan is? Why not just bluff? Why does Obama feel the need to tell the world every hair-brained thought that enters his head? Wouldn't you love to play poker with guy using the same rules. Look, I have a a pat hand, 10 through ace of spades, but I won't use it if you ante up, and place the proper number of chips into the pot when you call.

In lieu of nuclear annihilation, potential foes will face the wrath of "overwhelming conventional force." I could have sworn that during the campaign Obama told the American people that our conventional forces were stretched thin. That's why he promised and has followed thorough on bringing all of the forces home from Iraq. Uh, oh yeah he hasn't. So our conventional forces must still be stretched thin as they were during the campaign. Where is this "overwhelming conventional force" supposed to come from?

No threat of nuclear retaliation + a conventional force that is stretched thin = No deterrence = A more dangerous world.

Whatever that doomsday clock was set at before this announcement, it needs to be advanced toward midnight now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This should be named the Obama Doctrine. All the presidents want a doctrine named after them. Now he has one.

The Obama-Gump Doctrine...

"The US will never use it's military advanatages against any enemy because we are stupid. And stupid is as stupid does."

The Griffin